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lu_alum last won the day on March 17 2024

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Missing from this list is Trenge, who placed 2-2-3 for average finish of 2.33. His frosh season got lost in late February 2001 due to detached and torn retinas. During the season, he had beaten the guys who placed 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th at NCAAs.
  2. I don't know about unlimited bricks. I like the international approach. One brick per match. If the challenge is successful, you keep the brick. If you fail a challenge, you lose the brick and your guy loses a match point.
  3. Disagree with this viewpoint. You can't tell me the the top guy isn't stalling when he throws in double boots and flattens out the bottom guy. Bottom guy always gets called, but what is he to do if incapacitated? When the top guy does that & stays parallel, he is most certainly stalling.
  4. Did a little more investigation regarding the challenges of a 15 v 10 person league. Here is a comparison of undrafted seeds at the conclusion of each group. Green shading to highlight pre-tourney R12 seeds. I show down to the 24th seed, as at least 24 guys in each bracket score points.
  5. Lehigh's nucleus is as follows. Three AAs and a R12 return. 125: Sheldon Seymour AA (6th 2025) 133: Ryan Crookham AA (3rd 2024) 141: Luke Stanich AA (5th 2024) 149: Kelvin Griffin NQ (2024) 157: Logan Rozynski NQ (2025) 165: Max Brignola 2x NQ (2022, 2024) 174: ??? 184: Caden Rogers NQ (2025) 197: JT Davis? 285: Nathan Taylor R12 (2024)
  6. We had 22 this time, but this was the first time @VakAttack began promoting it prior to the conference tournaments. The first few years we spun it up after conference tourneys. There's always a little give and take amongst the group, but we increased by seven players this year. I could see ~30 total players being the sweet spot for the annual event. Who knows? I'm just tossing out ideas. In comparing the two events, I prefer the 15-person contest the Premier League offered. It gets significantly more difficult to make draft picks once you've gone through the first 7-8 rounds. Drafting for the Champion League didn't seem to be as much a struggle, as there were still many undrafted AA candidates available at the end. Here's a comparison of the two drafts: Premier League: Champion League:
  7. @Jason Bryant... didn't someone conduct an NCAA championships TD analysis on the old forum? I seem to recall a very detailed analysis on success rates by type of TD attempted.
  8. Tonight’s result was satisfying when reflecting on Steveson’s chronology: * Wins two NCAA titles * Wins Olympic gold in dramatic final 10 seconds. * Walks away from amateur wrestling with big WWE payday - was actually training/promoting his WWE career while still in college. * Fails at WWE * Attempts NFL career and Fails * Crawls back to NCAA wrestling in an attempt to resurrect his earning potential. * NCAA makes him the centerpiece of their finals broadcast. * Fails to deliver in his final NCAA bout. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Very impressive tourney. 9 entries 8 AAs (with Pinto losing 2-1 in R12) 2 champs.
  10. Even less fair to the guys who only got three bites at the apple. Top seeds that wrestled their last eligible year in 2020. 125: Jack Mueller: 4th seed,14-1, finalist 2019 125: Nick Piccininni: 3rd seed, 26-2 133: Seth Gross: 2nd seed, 27-2, 2017 NCAA champ 133: Chaz Tucker: 3rd seed, 31-0, never AAed 141: Luke Pletcher: 1 seed, 26-1 149: Pat Lugo: 1 seed 21-1 149: Matt Kolodzik: 6th seed, 14-0 (he came out of "Ivy Shirt" mid-year, only to have it blow up) 165: Vincenzo Joseph: 2nd seed, 15-1 174: Mark Hall: 1 seed, 23-1 2017 NCAA Champ 174: Jordan Kutler: 3 seed, 21-1 174: Bryce Steiert: 5th seed 27-3 174: Joe Smith: 12 seed, 12-6 184: Taylor Lujan: 1 seed, 28-2, Never AAed 197: Kollin Moore: 1 seed, 27-0 197: Ben Darmstadt, 4 seed, 28-6
  11. After four years, I think this thing is beginning to pick up more interest. Suggest we start putting reminders out prior to conference tourneys next year and see how many folks show interest. As long as we get the entries in early, I see no reason why we couldn't do 2-3 leagues. I've got the mechanics on my end setup to the point it is pretty simple. The only challenge is finding time to conduct the drafts.
  12. Not so sure about that, @MizzouFan01. @nhs67 is already in the JV division.
  13. Evidently my copy-paste update for the Premier League didn't capture correctly. My apologies. Here's the correct final table for the Premier League:
  14. Final Results: Premier League (Varsity Division): Winners: $200 - @Perry $100 - @killdozer $ 50 - @Gage $ 25 - @JvStateChamp1 -------------------------------------------- Champion League (JV Division): Winners: $150 - @Kov88 $ 75 - @jajensen09 $ 50 - @Cornell Kevin $ 25 - @lu_alum Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all for your participation. See everyone again next year. @steamboat_charlie @flyingcement @Idaho @MPhillips @BruceyB @VakAttack @RockLobster @MizzouFan01 @nhs67 @Truzzcat @charmon55 @scorenomore @MM2018 @crzyctldy
  15. See my post on the effect of the 3-point TD. I believe that has had some impact.
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