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Everything posted by Pinnacle

  1. The thread is about 2020 when no team won a title. I gave Iowa credit for the one 2021 title they actually won with that team. I am simply pointing out that a lot of things can happen when an imagination is willing to go to those places such as the idea that a team was robbed of something they never had to begin with.
  2. But that was an Iowa team where everyone got to hang on forever vs. a very young PSU team. Plus, Iowa does get credit for winning that year even though PSU never got a 4th year from Hall and Cenzo which may have tipped the scales in their favor. What they don't get credit for is winning a title that never happened, meaning 2020.
  3. One team's underperformance is actually just their norm. The other's over performance is their norm. You get what you earn.
  4. Pretty sure he has posted this thread multiple times. Taken both sides depending on who he is trying to troll.
  5. Iowa had that core of wrestlers on their roster for 6 or 7 years. Plenty of chances to win titles.
  6. These Ferrari's don't come with a factory warranty.
  7. Central PA (M2) called. They'd like to weigh in on this subject matter.
  8. I had to look that word up.
  9. First world problems when the lowest predicted finisher is a 3x Cadet World Team Member.
  10. i saw that part of that thread. Weird having wrestlers talk all that pseudo stuff.
  11. That thread is a dumpster fire. People should stick to wrestling.
  12. Writer's strike? Maybe he needs some AI. Maybe he IS AI?
  13. But he didn't want that negative split. Seemed like a lot of effort even though he was clearly up to it. That screaming coach was a god send. He hated her, but now as an adult he finally gets it. Lol.
  14. If all this is true then ... You know the public perception is bad, but these guys know the inside stuff.
  15. If Jimmy is going to post so many questions he needs to hire better writers. Go Hollywood if necessary.
  16. One of my kids swam. Funny story. He is coasting thru a 100 meter race in the outside lane (coasting is why he was always in the outside lane) when the coach gets right along the edge of the pool and starts to scream at him to go faster. Coach was really loud. Sure enough, his last 50 was way, way, way faster than his first 50. He comes out of the pool and I am timing the lane next to his lane and he gets out all upset because the coach screamed at him. I told him he had set a new PR for the 100 meters so what is he complaining about.
  17. Here is what I know about Vito and Spencer. Vito is still wrestling for a spot on our national team, Spencer is not.
  18. He laid on the mat holding his knee for a solid 1:30 after the Ringer double took him down. Trainers had to attend to him. Yes, he finished the two periods but it seems between his knee wrap and his actions in that match that he had an injury and it was tweaked in the match. Spencer just isn't who he once was, but he can go and just chooses not to given certain circumstances.
  19. The interviewer gave Brands what the research shows, and then had to ask him several times to clarify his answer because he kept saying it is a state of mind. My interpretation of Brands answer is that he thinks the mind breaks first and subsequent to that the athlete fails to reach their peak. The science is the other way around. Science says that if you over train you will not be in peak condition at the right time. It is why athletes "taper" going into competition.
  20. Are you saying you can't physically overtrain or burn out?
  21. Bryan Pearsall says their training is more wrestling. Not so much lifting and running.
  22. Vito's Win. You know Vito is quick, but don't blink.
  23. The difference between Starocci and Lee is that no one thinks Lee was injured at NCAA or the US Open. Starocci was obviously injured in the Ringer match. Spencer gets built up to be larger than life. It is like a FloHollywood production at this point , and the branding and image building is off the chain. The comments come with that kind of hype.
  24. You have to start looking not just for past results. Especially with Cael's guys. Look at their progression. Brooks is much bigger and stronger than the last time they met
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