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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. Sorry winner, I spelled his name wrong, I meant to say Alirez from Northern Colorado.
  2. My bad, Alirez. You knew who I meant.
  3. I’m a big fan of Alvirez. The kid exudes confidence and backs it up.
  4. Unless he gets big $$$ I don’t see that happening after watching a few of past interviews.
  5. Didn’t say anything about college wrestling not growing. What I am referring to is the lack of affordable televised options for the average college wrestling fan. Sure, rich know-it-all has-beens like yourself will always have access but how about those not willing to fork over Flo fees, Hulu and other venues when it should be far more accessible and for free. Thankfully You Tube provides quick replays which continues to be a great resource for people like me. What “worries” me are the old timers still holding the cards who think they actually mean something to the sport when in fact they mean nothing.
  6. he that hunts two hares catches neither.
  7. JC - valid points, why not send this message to those who make decisions in the sport. Coaches should get together and back this too. Putting. It out here gets it nowhere.
  8. Just be happy college wrestling is still a televised sport - some day it won’t.
  9. Carter gets Big10 wrestler of the year. After watching the finals replays, it could go either way in two weeks. Anyone feel Mceray looks like the wrestler in Vision Quest?
  10. Nah this guy is different - as a member of the viewing audience it’s well deserved.
  11. Final replays on YT - watching Max and Carter now
  12. He will amount to nothing once his wrestling career is over. Book it.
  13. Looking forward to the entire replay on YouTube
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