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Mr. PeanutButter

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Mr. PeanutButter's Achievements

NCAA Champion

NCAA Champion (13/14)

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  1. the DT era is here
  2. the cool move would be to get another takedown. the smart move would be to make Wyatt come to him
  3. nvm. Gable out immediately
  4. bottom? why?
  5. oh yay. we get a champ
  6. Quinnn is great.
  7. lip fillers
  8. goddamit. Nebraska seem like they have a really tight and happy team culture. I want to not like them, but I cant help myself
  9. that was a stellar landing. Like, eggcetptional
  10. bunch of crap
  11. oh yes. but here comes the challenge
  12. that was eggcellent
  13. awesome match
  14. Hardy has been on fire
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