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Everything posted by 666

  1. Cael isn't opposing other teams wrestling in a dual championship. He just doesn't care about it enough for PSU to participate. He's not the only one. Why aren't the Brands boys participating? David Taylor? It's just a matter of choice and those guys all see NCAAs as the ultimate goal. I think all of us here would love to see a national dual meet championship where all the best teams show up but the best teams don't want to participate and there's no way to force them to.
  2. That surprises me considering the low quality of most of the articles from a writing standpoint. Thanks for correcting my assumption.
  3. i don't think FLO has any legit professional writers working for them, or any legitimate editors. They have a bunch of wrestling nerds, no offense, pretending to be writers.
  4. Declining vs what OSU used to be. What they should be. And how many years did OSU not even finish in the top 10 in that span?
  5. Isn't running an RTC a full time job about on par with being a HC?
  6. I want some of what you are smoking. I see PSU going 4-1 in those matches.
  7. You are probably right. What I think is crazy is the guys in the forum who say Scott didn't really have any reason to expect he'd get the OSU job. That's crazy. He was very successful as HC at UNC and quit the HC job there to be assistant HC at OSU. Obviously he thought he'd be next in line to replace John Smith if he took the assistant HC job at OSU. Maybe he screwed himself with wrong expectations by leaving UNC, but maybe some OSU people made him some promises which they didn't keep. Probably it's a combination of both to some degree.
  8. I'm so stupid when I first read it I thought "they are rating the coaches now? Cool!".
  9. LOL! Well, the first part of his comment was true I think I like Carter a little more now (which isn't saying much).
  10. McGregor can't back up his fat mouth. I'm hoping he comes back to MMA so I can see his leg get broken again. True, Bo is lacking in the humor department.
  11. Matt Modine's wrestling coach in that movie looks as soft as a marshmallow.
  12. Your joke didn't really land since I don't understand the reference.
  13. Who did that, and how did you do it Oh, that's how the forum handles the brown word. I have to admit, I nearly "browned" myself laughing when I saw that "I poop my pants, don't laugh at me"
  14. Would you prefer fake humility? I don't care if a guy talks crap a long as he backs it up as long as he's not flipping off the crowd or something asinine like that. You must've hated Muhammad Ali.
  15. Actually Stillwater is really nice by Oklahoma standards.
  16. David Taylor was hired on May 6, 2024. Hendrickson announced committing to OSU on May 19., 2024. May 27. 2024 Dean Hamiti announced he was committing to OSU. May 24, 2024 Cam Amine committed to OSU. The only guy who had committed to OSU prior to them hiring Taylor was Caleb Fish and I wouldn't be surprised if Fish somehow got wind that OSU was hiring Taylor. Maybe Taylor himself told him, but I think Fish probably just wanted out of MSU at to be at a major program. You were saying somebody was talking out their ass? There's a thing called "the internet" where you can dig up information like that in about 10 seconds, you should try it sometime.
  17. Not too shabby, but none for the last 18 years, and OSU was consistently declining almost the entirety of that time.
  18. I'm offended that possibly the greatest wrestling clip of all time was not mentioned.
  19. The boy is built like Mesenbrink and the girl like Hamiti.
  20. I'd say they might've been on to something if they'd been winning NCAA titles all those years.
  21. That's all the ones I know about except Seay and this dude.
  22. That game is really tough for me because I've always hated Ohio State football, but I've also long harbored hatred towards Notre Dame. But Notre Dame canceled their weakass wrestling program decades ago, so I have added incentive to hate them even more. Don't even ask me about the Catholic preschool my parents inexplicably sent me to when I was 5. Those nuns had it coming. It'll be like voluntarily eating a turd, but I'll probably root for the Buckeyes.
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