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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/28/politics/joe-biden-potential-vp-pick/index.html
  2. it's like when the leftists try to insult you... by calling you gay..
  3. do you speak for all women here? and why is the modern day ideal better? just b/c it's 2024? I don't think women should be confined to being baby making machines... but who am i to decide for someone
  4. lol.. way better and dont skim for decades newsome has been 'trying' to cure homelessness.. 24$ million disappears... still homeless the big guy gets 10% etc.. etc.. etc...
  5. which is why the people have been begging the GOVT to get their spending under control we don't have a revenue problem. we have a spending problem i can show you the receipts if you like
  6. um... have we already forgotten 2020-21... parents were like omg.. im so glad we have teachers.. i just can't deal with this
  7. im glad you said this.. enough money Kamala's new ad today on tv i want a country where one job is enough to make ends meet.. or something to that effect um kamala... you have been in power 3 years... why isn't? also i was told bidenomics is awesome
  8. the only thing that's equal... is we all get 24 hours
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