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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. pushing narratives
  2. pushing naratives
  3. this has to be too low... just in the last few years the money spent on the influx of immigration
  4. wait, a hurricane happened during hurricane season and suddenly... something something?
  5. wondering how this is different than facebook the msm pushing their opinions newspaper pushing their opinions um... am i missing something ?
  6. you know you got this one right. it is stupid to think the GOP is racist
  7. she doesn't even realize that if we took all their money... it wouldn't pay for it
  8. not too far off
  9. i was going to say, tell me you know... without telling me.. but im hoping this was sarc on your part
  10. oh you want to talk about that now https://www.police1.com/union/nyc-withholds-medical-payments-to-widows-children-of-fallen-police-and-firefighters-union-says
  11. one example of many https://nypost.com/2022/09/30/nancy-pelosi-says-florida-needs-migrants-to-pick-crops/ they just wish it was the 1800's again
  12. self awareness fail
  13. well, as i said, he is a lifelong democrat. is this different than dems saying we need the crop pickers?
  14. wee willie on board for college is always the answer wonder where wee willie went
  15. but he has failed, many times.
  16. so you dont like your own logic?
  17. where did this come from? do you need a degree to go into business?
  18. trump just wants kamala to know what he is saying, in case she wants to steal another policy or two
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