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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. lol nancy pelosi says the protests have a Russian tinge
  2. i think it stems from the resistance after he confronts her but again, the cop went overboard
  3. so giving warnings to leave the area... then leveling the building... is a war crime.
  4. how do you feel about the whole... We will come and get your guns... i note you didn't say anything about that.
  5. fascism under biden: i give you crackdowns on protestors. but more importantly: FBI visiting homes of people who post on twitter... b/c reasons NSA expanded power to spy on Americans w/o a warrant i could go on. as for the police here.. i agree, they went over board. I have told many former students... dont F with the police. it's just easier to do what you are asked. and you dont end up with stitches and worse. ( i could tell the whole story.. but i think you get the point. maybe not..) you can see them telling people to back off. one person is held back... she goes RIGHT UP to them...
  6. and as far as fascist tendencies... is that anything like wanting to do away with the #1A and #2A?
  7. i was told the police only react this way in red states. but for some reason, it's happening in NY and California... and the purple state of ohio. sounds like their are rules set up to do these things and when you don't follow those rules...
  8. you don't like the cartoons b/c they tell the truth?
  9. i guess in fairness to the protestors... they aren't blocking traffic. yeah.. they are blocking other students from finishing their semester, taking exams, having graduation
  10. why wouldn't he bring in the uyghurs
  11. im sure there are many americans who were involved in the chants death to america no one said these people are smart
  12. the professor interfered with an arrest... now did they go over the top... yes...
  13. is there anything that joe biden can do to make you not support him? how about 25% unrealized gains tax?
  14. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/over-70-percent-of-palestinians-support-hamass-october-7-terror-attack-poll/#:~:text=Seventy-one percent of Palestinians,Union and the United States-
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