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BruceyB last won the day on February 16

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About BruceyB

  • Birthday 09/15/1990

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  1. 3/10 troll.
  2. You know I respect you, and PSU may not be a big "one year guy" school but they haven't been afraid to bring in guys over their recruits if it improved their line-up in a given year. If they feel that Taye could be a notable improvement over Cole, I wouldn't be surprised if they made the move. Since NIL was introduced, name a weight that hasn't been a pre-season AA contender that they haven't brought in a transfer (to be fair it's hard since they have very few of these weights) but especially since Connor may be on the outside looking in, this could result in a double transfer. Sinclair 184, Connor 197, Cole 285 at Missouri? However, I do think any moves will be well thought out and the long term consequences would be rationally considered. I doubt PSU would bring in a one year guy to win by a larger margin than stick with their original recruits if they believed they will win regardless.
  3. I listened to the podcast, one of my biggest takeaways was that Bo claimed he wanted to get into one of these cards, and then when CP asked if he would wrestle Zahid, Bo seemed to dance around the match-up by suggesting that they have already wrestled a few times and that it would be more exciting if he wrestled someone else.. I read it as "I don't want to wrestle Zahid, but I can't admit it on radio since I just recently claimed to be the best 86kg wrestler in the world." He didn't fully shutdown the idea of the match-up but on 3 different occasions he sounded like he would prefer a different match-up. I have stated in this thread I'm not a fan, but I maintain an open mind.. his appearance on FRL did nothing but further support my feelings towards him. He sounded whiny about MMA fans being fickle.. which to me sounded like someone that doesn't understand that probably 99% of the viewership is looking for excitement, not technical prowess that leads to a victory. Ben Askren didn't get denied by the UFC during his prime for his lack of fighting ability, it was because of the lack of excitement in his fights. The UFC is not boxing. The UFC is an entertainment product above a fighting product. You have to have a product that entertains the average fan, not the hardcore fan that appreciates the small details.
  4. Teague is a natural 149 isn't he? Was it that he couldn't beat Jordan Williams last year that led him to 157? His ceiling at a better fitting weight will be an interesting wrench in the weight class.
  5. I haven't said anything until now because I didn't know whether or not I should as I had such little interaction with Greg, as I am a newer member to this board. If he was anything like the personality he shared on this board and in his blogs, he will undoubtedly be very sorely missed. His enthusiasm and sense of humor were more than apparent, even to someone as new around here as me. I know this is just a goofy online board where a bunch of us get to share opinions on wrestling, but I'm sure if his family ever sees this thread, they will see that the man behind the @ILLINIWrestlingBlog moniker was a truly bright light on the internet which can so often be cruel and dark.
  6. He has been super impressive at 149, but I am curious about whether or not he can string together tough wins in a tournament format. Always exciting to have a young and talented wrestler at a non-traditional wrestling school. I hope he stays at Oregon State for the next few years as well.
  7. I was really disappointed he spent so much of this season injured after being a backup last year. I want to see how he does if competing fully healthy.
  8. Insane highlight clip. Unfortunately I (as well as many others I assume) haven't been able to watch much of Meyer due to his time missed and wrestling outside of the B10 or B12. Hoping we seem him healthy in March.
  9. I want so much for this to be true. Aaron Stewart and the Raineys would be a heck of a class.
  10. I haven't listened yet, but Bo seems like a petty guy overall. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't/won't ever give David Taylor credit for his successes. I've never been a Nickal fan. Even back to his earlier days in college he bothered me in interviews.
  11. But at least they aren't tied where neither wrestler feels the need to take a risk. Hence, creating more action by someone being behind and needing to score.
  12. In what circumstance outside of picking a rep at OTT or Final X do you get to wrestle a best of 3? The Olympics aren't decided by a best of three, why would a random exhibition?
  13. Without the portal Spratley and Jamison are likely at Minnesota. Amine and Hamiti still likely at their previous schools. Parco, Teemer, Buchanon, Caliendo are unlikely at Iowa Who knows if Mesenbrink leaves CBU, Nagao is still at Minnesota, Kerkvliet may still be at tOSU, and who knows how many guys would have committed somewhere else if they couldn't freely transfer if they failed to make the starting lineup. That is 11 wrestlers right there that have been funneled away from other programs to the big 3. The talent has always been highly concentrated, but at this point, it's hard to imagine PSU, OKST, or Iowa having something in their starting lineup that isn't a top 15 guy in the country. I don't understand how Iowa has such a hole at 141.
  14. I, among others, hate your findings, sir.
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