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  1. Haha true. Messenbrink is still probably taking Intro to XYZ classes though. Carr is taking Grad courses in something (even if it's leisure arts, plenty of intricacies in the leisure arts at that level).
  2. Snyder has decent value on my book at +300
  3. Carr is in Grad school so I'll go with him
  4. Didn't McCort not compete one year? I feel comfortable saying Blaze will do it and maybe one more
  5. Didn't realize it was a Rudis shirt lol. The Jordan shirt is through Rudis as well. I should research next time lol
  6. Has over 100k on instagram which is more popular with his crowd and I'm sure he's promoting there as well. Rudis may not have wanted in the "Jesus Trained" game. I do recall a very similar shirt from the Jeff Jordan camp back in the day though and Marinelli is from Graham and I saw him wearing it later on. You're probably right it likely is a supplement deal though.
  7. Think I heard he's got like a 4.5 GPA or something crazy like that. I know Academics aren't an issue.
  8. Not sure how but my book opened with Kyle Snyder at +300. He's settled in around +175
  9. Lebron took a dump on his hometown on national TV, if he announced the other way he'd be a hero....he's also still a hero in Cleveland. Bo will be fine if he continues to wrestle well and be personable. He's certainly got the potential to make more money than most wrestlers by far. Amazon will still profit billions from HQ2 when all is finished, I'll let them make the call.
  10. If it's a package with Bassett the OSU in Ohio has a better shot than Oklahoma St
  11. Yep, like it or not he's going to monetize his recruitment. I think it's smart. Also, Fletcher is probably 100% on point here - Bassett has been a big name since he was like 14. He wasn't thinking about money at 14.
  12. Your statement isn't wrong but nobody you quoted is trying to flex on a 17 year old
  13. It was a joke... I realize he was never going to call UW-Parkside unless his car broke down in Kenosha
  14. Cornell is off this year too. Needed a big dual OOC.
  15. Dual against OSU. Was already known by most. Believe it is a home and home. Will be a fun one for sure.
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