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  1. I know his punk a55 didn't call Parkside. At least AJ Ferrari came and looked me in my eyes.
  2. Parkside was my sleeper to make the top 25. Guess I have to go back and look at the graphic to pick a new one
  3. Didn't catch it until I had already responded. Nothing outstanding right now that I disagree with.
  4. Better explanation of the entire discussion than I can give.
  5. You're simplifying this. Kids follow the best, that's how a culture is formed. At VT Mekhi Lewis and Bryce Andonian set the tone in the room. Neither are overly vocal but younger kids gravitate towards them and follow their habits from training to taking care of yourself off the mat and living life as a D1 athlete in such a demanding sport. All they have to do to be a leader is allow others to observe how they approach the sport.
  6. Makes others in the room better. Doesn't have to be vocal but shows younger guys the right way to do things and younger teammates with lofty goals learn from them would be a good example. Could also be a vocal guy who pushes others.
  7. PSU, Cornell, and Michigan all have rooms that lift each other up for the most part and they finished top 3. You can find bad teammates but more often than not top notch guys are leaders in the room IMO
  8. Agree but anti-Iowa people took it and ran with it so it was talked about
  9. I don't know the exact verbiage but there were definitely people saying Spencer got special treatment and he was not a great teammate to Ayala. Mostly uninformed as Spencer wasn't really practicing he was more just rehabbing the whole time. He had one incident with Ayala. If that's special treatment and being a prima donna, sure, but he needed it to get on the mat.
  10. I'm not seeing an illegal hold. That one point could be the difference between winning and losing a match in an off season tournament that means absolutely nothing. Warranted IMO.
  11. They'll be fine when they ditch the bash bros and get a real coaching staff
  12. Always root for USA Wrestlers even though Bo makes it tough sometimes.
  13. Hit the nail on the head here. Unless he chooses Iowa then I'll probably have a problem cheering him on.
  14. Not reading all of this but you all realize GoFundMe works in Mexico right? Who cares what country he's trying to raise money for? If you'd rather donate to Team USA guys just do that.
  15. I posted this in another thread. I like Bo, think he gets way too much hate and I get what he's trying to do but this is a little much. He should've started with like 20-25 realistic programs and narrowed down by a smaller number instead of implying UW-Parkside is in the mix.
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