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Gibby Haynes

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Everything posted by Gibby Haynes

  1. After his matches he'd go to the rail and give all the kids autographs and take pics with them. It was fun to watch him wrestle and then run back and celebrate him those little kids.
  2. Rath wrestled at 160 a couple weeks ago and at 170 a couple days ago.
  3. Jimmy the debter is a pos. Shoulda been banned for it. Jimmy the troll is masterful. Nobody knows for sure when Jimmy is trolling or being nice. That's what you want as a troll. Nobody on this forum has more fun than Jimmy. Just don't bet him anything.
  4. Jesus coached my wrestler.
  5. Do you guys think Pyles will want to fight AJ now? You know,for those "fightin' words."
  6. Could he have taken another red shirt this year for the Olympics and still been eligible for next year?
  7. Oof! Hard smacks or more like an "Ace and Gary" type pat?
  8. 2 dollar tickets and you can sit damn near anywhere in the place. Mizzou really does spoil me.
  9. Cj's wings and Mugs up.
  10. Rocky had a recent surgery and was recovering. Pretty sure the coaches wanted to ease him back into competition. I can't think of one thing that would be considered an ease when wrestling Steve Buchanan.
  11. 3 dollar tickets for Mizzou vs ASU. Add a soda and a hot dog and that's less than 50 bucks total.
  12. Glad you liked it.I'm still very proud of Independent worm.
  13. I was always on that site.it was all there was for missouri wrestling fans. Tigerboard did and does suck for wrestle discussion.
  14. Without Mitch wouldn't Steed go 157? He had a solid red shirt year.
  15. Keenan of Tool.
  16. " Wowdashelt" is still an all time great nickname.
  17. Is there "some dispute over tshirt sales?"
  18. I figured they'd announce after if it was number 100. But it was so loud in there after the pin I couldn't heard it.
  19. Wrestlestat says mauller is 100-11
  20. O'toole may have to beat carr 4 times this year. Scuffle,isu dual,big 12s and nationals. That's more than carr has lost his entire career.
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