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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. Today there’s a discussion of Snyder as an all-time HWT great. But he’s really a big 197. How would the best Snyder do vs Sanderson, Hartung, Hahn, etc?
  2. Possibly by design to send a message to Americans that they don’t care.
  3. Senator blasts federal parks officials for barring American flags in beloved national park https://www.foxnews.com/politics/senator-blasts-federal-parks-officials-barring-american-flags-beloved-national-park
  4. Would Gable want to be around Ferrari every day?
  5. https://www.judicialwatch.org/blm-on-street-near-wh/#:~:text=(Washington%2C%20DC)%20%E2%80%93%20Judicial,nation's%20capital%20was%20over%20%24270%2C000.
  6. I think it all comes down to whose lingerie drawer do you want to dig through? Jill’s or Melania’s?
  7. I tend to agree. Prosecution of conservatives is all boilerplate.
  8. Does he have a shot at a coaching position after another season?
  9. Those FBI polo shirts must be wearing thin. Edit: maybe I should’ve been investing in Ralph Lauren these past few years?
  10. Haha, what crazy world we live in. The Iowa brand of building up guys to run through walls is pretty much gone now. Can’t get that back.
  11. Imagine the X traffic spike at this time.
  12. If Michael Jordan struggled playing baseball…
  13. Like in 2016, he’ll warm up to Trump to see what he can get, then stab him in the back when he doesn’t.
  14. Mitt Romney defends Trump's border security policy, slams Biden in heated exchange with MSNBC host https://www.foxnews.com/media/mitt-romney-defends-trumps-border-security-policy-slams-biden-heated-exchange-msnbc-host
  15. I’m pretty certain coaching moves occur just prior to Olympic trials.
  16. Sun and saltwater at the beach.
  17. Maybe today the calendar to Trumps imprisonment was determined, making it safe for Biden to get bold about debates. It might have been funny if one of the debate restrictions was no debates from behind prison walls.
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