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  1. I think roster caps could have a negative effect on wrestling being an ongoing sport. Yes, the big time programs would not be able to hoard enormous amount of talent with unlimited scholarships, BUT the smaller schools who currently have 30-40 man rosters would be hurt finacially. If these smaller schools are currently giving 8-10 scholarship it means 25 rostered wrestlers are NOT. Would they be students at that school if it were not for wrestling? Probably not. Also remember wrestling has the highest number of 1st generation college students.
  2. I think a few college wrestling programs are revenue producing. Not much, but some. What do we do with those programs? Several examples across multiple sports. A few of the elite programs are revenue positive, thus pro in your example, while a vast majority are revenue negative. What would be different than the current situation?
  3. Bo is giving a clue where he is going. BO Bassett-> elBOw-> Campbell under his elBOw. It's a lock! Let's go Camels and SoCon!
  4. Coaching jobs could be a premium soon. With the number of D1 teams forecasted to dramatically shrink due to college football needing all the money to pay players, it may advantageous for coaches to find stable programs and hang on to their position. 5 years from now there may only be college wrestling at 40 or so schools at the D1 level with D1 pay. Roster limits may also spread to coaching limits. You know player salaries will only esculate with no salary cap for paying players every school will be looking for every dollar they can to pay that top recruit or top transfer. The back pay will cause incredible pain at the lower level D1 programs that have D1 football. Yes, PSU, Iowa, tOSU and those of that ilk have enormous athletic budgets, but what about teams like Buffaloe, CMich, WVa, Wyoming (just schools I thought may not have super large budgets)? The back pay could cause a nightmare to try to back pay and pay the current players. So coaches should be consider stability when looking to move on with their careers.
  5. Ok, you are right. The country just THINKS we are in the crapper. Biden should be just fine (again, if the left doesn't dump him). Are there any statistics of crimes unreported due to lack of police to follow up? Any statistics of crimes not prosecuted by DAs? It seems the "summer of love" had thousands of crimes not prosecuted, but I could be misremembering.
  6. Whataboutism is the only plan to defeat Trump by the left. "Orangeman bad" has morphed in to "save democracy". It will not work any longer. The people have seen what the radical left has done to this country and have said enough is enough. Trump with all his warts and shortcomings is a better choice than what Biden and the leftist have done to this country in 3.5 years. All the lawfare, all the breathless ranting, all the save democracy, all the loonies parading in the streets will not work. Come November Trump will defeat Biden (if the left does not dump him).
  7. #1 and #4 are valid arguments of why McCain should considered a hero. #2 and #3 are reasons not to like Trump. Notice the difference?
  8. Hyperbolic? The guy says the words and your response is "well he didnt mean it, he meant something else". Also do you really think that anyone with an R beside their name in Washington is going to go against him? Its political suicide. Everyone in that city cares way too much about their paychecks than doing anything productive. EVERYONE So you think all the congress and senate had rather live under a dictatorship than take steps to end it? Smh. I am starting to understand where Biden gets his voters. Are really not able to understand what was said? Do you have any concept of context? Maybe phone a friend have them explain it to you. I do not think Biden wants to "beat Medicare." He said that in the debate, but I understand context. He did not mean it. He was lost his train of thought and was just mumbling an incoherent sentence.
  9. Republicans sent over HB2 to the senate. It was sent first and dealt with the border. Pass that. The senate wanted to allow 5K per day for 10 consecutive days before taking measures to stop it. That is almost 2 million people a year! 2 million per year to house house, feed, educate, provide healthcare. Along with the increase in crime.
  10. Tara Reid wants to know about Biden's affair with a married Jill.
  11. We are changing nobody's mind. But just as you have accused me of utilizing talking points of Fox, you have been using the same verbage of MSNBC. The borders are wide open. Very little attempt is made in stopping people from entering the US. More people of entered our country under Biden than at any time under any president in history. More people enter our country every day by simply walking across our boarders than enter by our points of entry. The US is giving so many resources away that could and should be used for our homeless and vets. Every night commercials air raising money for hungry children in America yet Biden chooses to allow MILLIONS to walk across our boarders while our on children go hungry. We are told many kids in the US their only meal of the day is what they eat at school. Yet we let in thousands a day. Many are dressed nicer than half of the American Citizens, many from countries who will not or unable to perform background checks. We have no idea who is border jumping. Many from countries that are our enemies. Yes, the borders are wide open. And yes, Biden ask for it and aided the problem. If you were not just puppeting the MSNBC crowd and listened to the full context of what Trump said you would understand (hopefully comprehend). He was asked about the left calling him a want to be dictator. He said he would be a dictator for a day and issue executive orders like Biden did to correct the executive orders of Biden. It was a figure of speech. He was referencing how Biden had acted as a dictator by issuing more executive orders than any president in the history of the United States. By far more E.O.s than any president. With the divide is so great no congress will pass laws so much is now done through executive orders as nothing will pass through congress. Thus is reference to being a dictator. If ANY president were to attempt to become a true dictator congress has the power to throw the president out of office. So stop with hyperbolic talking points. Yes parents rights have been taken away at an alarming rate. If you do not want your kids exposed to men dressed as clownish women, to bad. A school will do so without your consent. You cannot exempt your kids from being taught about LBGQTIA+++++ CRAP. Books once considered p**rnagraphic are found in middle school libraries. Books so blatantly awful as not to be able to have excerpts read a town meetings. If your child has normal gender issues the schools can hide and even LIE to the parents, not allowing the parents to make what THEY feel are the best decisions for the children. Some states even allow genital mutilation without parental consent. So yes, parental rights have eroded like no other time in our history. Taxes have not been raised? Ha! Any tax on corporations is passed on to the consumer. Period. If a widget cost a dollar to make and sales for two dollars the company makes a dollar. If the taxes are raised by a quarter, does the company only make .75 cents now? He'll no! The company will raise the price by that quarter. Us the consumer pays that tax. The marginal income tax rate may not have increased, but govt has raised taxes and fees which by another name is a tax increase.
  12. My understanding of what Trump said is getting captured does not make you a hero. What does "hero" mean to you? Taking out a machine gun nest under heavy fire saving your platoon heavy losses is an example of hero to me. Not getting captured is better than being captured. It is hard to continue to aid the war effort while captured. It is a tragedy to be captured and I would never wish that for any American ever, but the mere act of getting captured does not mean you are a hero. Your quote does not mention why Trump thinks he was a loser. You may disagree with Trump. Everyone has an opinion. Maybe Trump did not like how he voted on important matters. Maybe he thought his views were not in line what Trump felt was best for America. I do not agree with Trump in his assessment of McCain, but he is less likely to continue this insane trajectory America is currently on. Unlike many, I am not under the delusion Trump is infallible, as he has made me cringe many, many times. However, he is not a bought puppet, afraid to step on toes and do what is best for America. With our boarders wide open and all the many problems that come with that, the take over of parents rights, our economy, taxes, govt over reach, taking of our freedoms, our public education, crime, and giving America's self determination away to the WEF, WHO, and other globalist organizations, I prefer Trump over the puppet masters of Biden.
  13. So you think Biden is somehow better human than Trump? Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star? Says the porn star, who blackmailed Trump! Biden cheated on his wife too with a married woman. Says who? Jill's at the time husband! Trump banned certain religions from entering our country? No, factually incorrect. He banned ppl from certain countries from entering our country that were predominantly Muslim. Not all muslin countries and not all Muslims. He also banned ppl from China which is not Muslim. Agree or disagree with the ban, but it was not a Muslim ban. Pushed a "stolen, rigged election? That is a talking point. There were so many irregularities MANY rational people would call it stolen or rigged. (But courts said... we all saw what courts can do in the case against Trump in the misclassification campaign contribution vs legal expense case). Mathematical impossibilities of some of the overnight vote imports and so many more. "Find votes" is not a call to change votes or anything nefarious. Simply, find illegal votes counted, votes not counted, miscalculated tabulation, or whatever. Scrutinize everything to find enough to restore Trump's lead is not asking anyone to cheat. "Find votes" is not a call to cheat. It is a call to seek out; discover. "sent his craziest followers to the capitol to off the vice president and speaker," I think his speech was just the opposite "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Read the entire speech here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial&ved=2ahUKEwjp2-CUkYSHAxV4SzABHaCzCFMQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1nh4XqvOD0-jD-nwRjXzm5 withheld funds to an ally, to investigate... ? that is rich. Biden's famous "Son of B" they fired him" to stop the investigation into the company his son was on the BOD. One was an impeachable offense and one was a nothing burger??
  14. Did he mock his appearance? No, mocked his memory and his reporting. Because he has a disability does not mean he is beyond reproach. If anything, the reporter should be happy he was treated equally as others. Look how often Trump, Biden, and Pelosi are mocked. Remember all the Trump balloons over emphasizing his weight? Pelosi with her contorted, plastic face? Biden open mouth breathing empty stare? Stevie Wonder memes? Only one group gets their panties in a wad and can not let it roll of their backs. McCain was not called a loser just for getting captured. He was called a loser for his political views and the decades of actions since entering the political field.
  15. If you do not change, you will be left behind. In this portal world, top teams do and should recruit from other college teams FIRST. A proven college wrestler is worth more than taking a chance on high school wrestler. A small handful of hs guys are sure fire outstanding college wrestlers, but a returning AA level at a "lesser" program has a high degree certainty.
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