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Gus last won the day on July 26 2023

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  1. 125- Ramos 133- Crookham 141- Mendez 149- Lovett 157- Shapiro 165- Mesenbrink 174- O’Toole 184- Starocci 197- Buchanan HWT- Kueter
  2. He was a huge recruit out of high school but Andrew Alirez improved a ton between sophomore and junior year.
  3. PJ Duke is coming next year at 157/165. They also have Joe Sealy in redshirt that will be 156/165.
  4. Looks like 125 and 165 were equally bad choices!
  5. I'm gonna give you an oof as well... Haha. Spencer (3), Abas (3), Delgado(2), McD(2), Dubuque(2)
  6. Imar's were both at 157. Taylor had 1 at 157, 1 at 165. You can come up with a similar list at most every weight I am sure. When WKN post's the results I think it will be pretty similar across the board.
  7. I am rolling with 165 but I do not feel confident about the pick.
  8. It’s gotta be Gable going from ISU to Iowa. Face of the program and of wrestling at large at that time going to the in state rival.
  9. That is a great hire for Minnesota.
  10. Haines wants to wrestle. He won a title last year and just beat one of the best wrestlers in the country and the favorite at 174. No way they keep him on the bench in my opinion.
  11. @nhs67 add in the Mirasola brothers both at 92kg
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