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Everything posted by RockLobster

  1. As was posted above as an Askren quote: "The insanity is almost hard to comprehend" The quote describes this discussion perfectly (even though it didn't apply in the context that Ben originally used it.) Crazy conspiracy theories, ridiculous baseless accusations, political spin on spirituality, and some unneeded grossness. Didn't expect all this irrational behavior when I joined the conversation. It is kind of a lot. The good news is that I've learned the "Non Wrestling Topics" is more for the weak minded types and those that purposely cater to them. Overall an unpleasant place. One has to wonder why some choose to linger in such a lousy den of thieves. I choose otherwise.
  2. I do hope you realize you are engaging a non-person. Jross alternates between making real and fake ('bot') postings. Once you realize what he's doing, it becomes obvious. At least it should become obvious.
  3. So many orange couche-tard moments. Canadians jus' keep laffin' at that guy, eh.
  4. Oh, I wouldn't say that I'm all 'that' knowledgeable. I'd say knowledgeable enough to form and have an opinion and even defend it a bit. I don't think that makes me arrogant, pretentious, or a punk. Don't be angry that we disagree. No need for that.
  5. What's this 'buddy' bullshit. I'm not your buddy. Cunningham is in the mix, he's a damn good raw coach. Cael is not near his coaching level, nor that of many others. I'd say Cael is more useful for non-coaching tasks. Valuable ones. Seems you have a very different bottom line than I do.
  6. Appreciate your general intention, but: Cael is not even close to being the best raw coach in the country. Cunningham is in the the mix. Cael could leave tomorrow and the impact on PSU would be primarily recruiting, and marketing a close 2nd. NIL has rendered much of this discussion pointless. Money talks - and PSU capitalizes on it. That is sad. No, we'll never miss one particular dominant team over another. We'll just enjoy the competition, as always.
  7. Hodge half of the topic: No question, it's Brooks. Keck would be a runner up if there were such a thing. NCAA's OW half of the topic: A few guys had impressive 3 days, but Vito's were the most outstanding. Kerkvliet & Brooks both follow closely after.
  8. I don't feel too strongly about it, but I vote for this one - $180/$80/$40
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