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Everything posted by RockLobster

  1. So here we go: I didn't make an absolute claim - I really didn't. As much as you dislike it (which appears to be quite a lot), that doesn't change the fact that it wasn't an "absolute claim.". Not at all. Your emotions won't change that fact. (Your post is eerily similar to MAGA type posters. Which you really should be head and shoulders above.) Judging it as 'shit' doesn't follow - and it just does not. I see what you think of as logic here. It's not logical. You don't have to be a woman to carry a baby. It's uncommon to carry as a man, but it does happen. Calling out the 'internet input' for opinions from random dopes is interesting. Useless, but interesting. Ionel had it 100% right in the 4th post above: This was a political theater post. Just as you might see from Fox News or any other crappy sources. No basis in fact, just enough (she does look beefy) that it will sell to folks looking for something like it. And just enough crazy that the angry wingnuts looking for something like it can latch on to it. What the point is: It is incredibly easy to post simple little false things to tap into the methods that Fox News, political theater specialists, and increasingly more and more foreign influencers use to gain attention and influence people. All they need is: A small grain of truth An imaginative storyline of nonsense A way to tie the two together in a way that seems believable, at least enough for some Folks (unfortunately mostly older folks) who aren't carefully considering their news sources Let's be honest - in the picture, she does look quite like a manly gent. If she were to come out later...
  2. At least we've got a post here that makes solid sense.
  3. How are you purposely avoiding what is staring you in the face?
  4. Insinuating? Just read it. He said, specifically that our IC was involved with election interference... IT'S RIGHT THERE IN HIS POST!
  5. A better question would be if Offthemat is one. His claiming the US Intelligence Community is behind US election interference is bat ***duck** crazy. It's (5) posts above, and that kind of misinformation spreading is not OK.
  6. Are you sure? Think about it. I didn't make an absolute claim. Just a perspective based on internet input and a photo. Judging it as 'shit' doesn't follow any logical assessment. Unless I'm missing something - in which case, feel free to enlighten me.
  7. Slow it down. Nobody is a liar, and nobody is scared. I understand where you are coming from. Peace.
  8. Just caught this one on another social media sites. It's what people are saying. I don't know if it's true - but if you look at the pictures... he/she does appear to be a non-binary manly gent. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
  9. None of this is untrue. I don't disagree with any of it. (See how I responded directly to your post?) But the conversation at the time was focused on China's position that being gay in unacceptable. Not yours. It's that, in your last post, you suddenly CHANGED the conversation we were having without reason or recognition of what I was saying. My point was that my statement did have merit - which was a continuation of the conversation flow... (It's all there in the thread if anyone is interested enough to scroll back and read it.) This is EXACTLY the kind of thing that keeps leading me back into thinking you are affiliated with Chinese propaganda. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. But, Quack, you seem to walk like a duck and talk like a duck.
  10. Poor choice of GIF's - makes you look like a silly little twat.
  11. I appreciate your willingness to openly debate. But... My statement does have merit... to quote NBC News (the bold part at the bottom is especially significant): LGBTQ people in China say their safe spaces have been squeezed under President Xi Jinping, who has overseen a crackdown on advocacy groups since coming to power a decade ago. The pressure has only intensified under a 2017 law that increased regulation of international nongovernmental organizations, said Stephanie Wang, an assistant professor at St. Lawrence University in New York state who has researched LGBTQ rights in China. In 2019, Chengdu Milk LGBT Service Center announced that it would cease operations. In 2020, Shanghai Pride, which held China’s only major annual LGBTQ celebration, said it was suspending all activities after 11 years in existence. LGBT Rights Advocacy China, which had led major legal cases, shut down the following year, months after dozens of LGBTQ accounts run by university students were deleted from the WeChat social media platform. There has also been an increase in government censorship, including a ban on “effeminate” men on TV as well as shows about close male relationships known as “boys’ love” dramas. Last year, an LGBTQ storyline was removed from a version of the American sitcom “Friends” being streamed on the Chinese mainland. -For China’s LGBTQ community, safe spaces are becoming harder to find (nbcnews.com)
  12. Except... Look it up again. You'll find numskull is actually correct. Very little is worse than trying to act superior when it turns out that you are a giant dope.
  13. Nearly none of the threads I post in are about me, much less all "about me." Don't be nutty. Use logic and reality when you post - it'll work out better.
  14. Tears? On Kermit? That's obviously a face palm, you silly little twat.
  15. I deserve that. Thanks. That fits. My apologies here. Both you and mspart are doing a fine job as posters. Thx for that.
  16. I deserve that.
  17. Oh boy. You are one special kind of numskull. When you read 'your pages' you should think seriously about separating the comments made from one poster to the next. If you lump them all together... then you get the kind of nonsensical post you just made here. It's 'shouting at the sky' type stuff. Read my post just above about reading comprehension. It applies at least equally to you. I'm criticizing you, but I'm not condemning you. You're OK, you're fine. But there is clearly space to learn. You can be a much better poster.
  18. Read my last post. You incorrectly chiming in on an incorrect post is exactly what I expect from you.
  19. You try so hard to right, yet being wrong just keeps slapping you in the face. I never claimed that you said that activism will make you gay. Read it again to be sure. I specifically used the word "if", which is a conditional clause. In other words "if" you think that way - then <what follows> This is NOT the same as claiming that you actually think that way (None of us are mind readers.) I agree with your other point. Activism has brought in more gay characters. Maybe not a bad thing. You'd do well to take a time out when your emotions cloud your ability to use logic.
  20. First - you replied to your own post (look above), which is kind of weird in the US. We get it, you have the Chinese opinion on gay Americans. Which is that it is unacceptable. Being gay is OK. You better hide in the basement if you think activism will make you gay. Or maybe in a closet. Or maybe, just maybe, activism will bring the discussion to a higher level where we realize being gay is OK.
  21. It appears your time in China has significantly molded you. Meh. That is no surprise.
  22. You know better than to post something that suggests wood is the answer. Is it that you think it's funny to be such a giant dope in an otherwise semi-serious conversation? I often find you funny - but not here. Just a giant dope.
  23. Yeah, no shit. Are you always posting like a dumb ass? I was responding to a statement you made.
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