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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. They're going after the smallest agencies, not the big spenders like social security and pentagon. Trump can't decide to unilaterally destroy these agencies, much less appoint a donor (musk) w billions in govt contracts and dozens of ongoing investigations for his violations to do it however he wants. This is the worst corruption in us history.
  2. He needs congress to do much of what he's doing, per the constitution. They passed budgets and laws that require these agencies. His orders are easily shot down by any judge w a 4th grade education.
  3. I don't care about your specific state, and neither do most people on here. This is a national forum.
  4. Federally, the pay went down drastically relative to other professions that require degrees. Hasnt even come close to keeping pace.
  5. Teachers have seen drastic paycuts relative to inflation. Sorry wingers, there's no free lunch. This is what you paid for, on the cheap.
  6. Another lie. It was up for fy2024, which ended 10/1/24 You know a winger is lying whenever they talk.
  7. More misleading information. Recruiting was already increasing significantly prior to election.
  8. No. Only if they killed my family and friends. There would be retribution.
  9. Yes, moral weakness angers me.
  10. Keep deflecting. We could actually do better for Native Americans too. That would be a completely different thread. Besides, I'm not talking about giving over the whole USA. Just the amount of land that was illegally handed over to Israel. It's actually much less than Indian reservations total acreage. We should start with your town and other localities filled with wingers that support Israel's "right" to a homeland.
  11. What a joke. So unimportant compared to everything else going on. The idiots can celebrate though.
  12. Thats a deflection and different subject. Nice try. I'm not an Israel supporter. The idiots that "support" Israel should give up their own land for the jews or the Muslims that they displace. It's fair.
  13. How about we give them part of the United States? Since the UN is responsible for displacing them in the first place, and we support Israel?. What comes around should go around? As an alternative we could move the Jewish homeland somewhere here and kick the Christians out.
  14. Sissy? Actually, I can empathize w the people over there. If I were one of them and I had several family and friends brutally murdered by Israelis using u.s. aid, I'd be 1st in line to take out retribution, and by any means necessary if I had nothing to lose. Against the u.s. included. There are plenty of other people over there that are dangerous in that way so I realize it's best to not waste our money and precious lives over there. I already served my time in the military,3 yrs active and 3 reserve. I guess you're a tough chicken hawk guy, so tough being willing to put OTHER people's lives on the line while you were never willing to serve yourself
  15. A lot of myopic idiots don't consider that this is much bigger than Gaza. Its about the entire middle east and this plan will triple the hatred toward us in that part of the world. 9/11 was nothing compared to what youll see if diaper Donald does this.
  16. Wrong. He wants to kick them out. At least that's the idea, but the coward will back off like he typically does. Once people stand up to him.
  17. Nowadays it is very difficult to make money if you don't exaggerate and lie. Gotta instill fear in people.
  18. Doesn't matter too much anyway. He'll back off once he feels the pressure to, just like the coward always does. He's already lost his credibility.
  19. My plan would be to end all involvement in middle east including funding and weapons for Israel. Nothing good has or will come out of our continued imperialism and meddling in middle east. And the idiots out there see this and still wonder why they hate us so much...
  20. Another great idea from diaper Donny. I'm sure the Arabs will just lay down for us. Since the creation of Israel created huge problems for us, this will triple those problems and our risk of ww3. He's Hitler all over agsin. Fortunately, he'll cave in on this too, just like most of his other international threats. What an idiot.
  21. No surprise there. You want to cut teacher salaries and this is,what youll get. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
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