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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. I'm good man. I love fighting for truth and justice. Fighting evil feels good.
  2. Lol. Well, my fiance has even less respect for him than I do and both of our extended families and children are all either liberal or moderate so no negative impact on my relationships. Only 22 months, actually. The wingers will lose the House then and he'll have a lot of problems. Honestly, I don't know if he'll survive 4 years between his legal violations and frail health.
  3. His success seems to be grounded in his charisma and ability to connect with an audience. I'm not aware of any other skills, but that will take you a very long way in life.
  4. I also liked Ferrari and Steveson. Didn't necessarily expect that great sportsmanship from those 2.
  5. Yah, good for him. At least he tried. He was probably forced to play a sport since it was a military school.
  6. Yah, I think him saying he didn't know anything about it was as bad as the leak itself. He took that opportunity though to rip on the Atlantic. Pretty predictable. Zero class.
  7. I don't think this helps the sport much. Only a little. Here's why: 1) Trump is rapidly becoming a very unpopular President. 2) Very few people respect him. Even most of the wingers that like his policies realize that he's a scumbag. 3) Trump never wrestled or did anything remotely physical himself. He's just a chicken hawk bully that likes to talk tough and show up to violent and/or combat sports. Wrestling is just another one of these sports. There's nothing else about wrestling that really seems to be attracting him to it.
  8. Complete incompetence. He hired these idiots; he's responsible.
  9. Then why do you care? I've written very little on Grndat compared to the Christian b.s. that's on here.
  10. This is the dumbest thread ever. A state pension fund is always gonna be diversified and may have shares of every large corporation in the country. They probably have a lot of shares in other auto manufacturers too, so if we can destroy Tesla, the stock of the other auto makers will be stronger. Net result is probably a wash.
  11. Were you watching him the entire time? If not, it's very dumb to assume that he was engaged for all 3 hours or didn't take a break for a diaper change.
  12. You just go ahead and believe your Christianity b.s. and let others believe whatever they want.
  13. Grndat spoke to me. I'm Grndats Prophet. I'm not trying to bring more people to Grndat so not a ton of people know about it.
  14. Definitely won't. We're using the cuts to help poor people to increase military spending, and then some.
  15. No. They didn't bypass congressional authority and ignore judges. Ever hear of the constitution? Oh yah, that only mattered when Biden was in power.
  16. What's the nuance? My mom could beat the tar out of Trump.
  17. How is it relevant to the great Grndat? Grndat never had a gender to begin with.
  18. No, it's not. And he should be prosecuted. However, it will continue as long as Musk continues to wage economic war against the poor.
  19. When men get trampled upon and no longer have a seat at the table or any power whatsoever, they turn to violence. It's as old as mankind himself. Unfortunate but 100% predictable. Wingers do it too.
  20. Different situation. Ukraine is a much bigger country and we or the UN didn't just hand it over to a specific religious group a few decades ago and turn the rest of the population into 2nd class citizens with zero power, and into tightly packed ghettos. And then take more and nire of what little land they were crammed into.
  21. Because most Republicans are paper tigers or chicken hawks. Talk tough but end up being cowards when push comes to shove. Trump is a perfect example. Total chicken hawk. Talks like a tough guy and shows up to all the combat sports events but dodged the draft himself and probably ran away from every potential physical confrontation in his life.
  22. Yah, just trying to help us all out of the goodness of his big beautiful heart.
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