Geez. The bowl system. I have never seen such a reward for mediocrity in my life. I may be giving away my age a bit with this comment, but I remember when there were only about a dozen bowl games. If your team made it to a bowl they had to have a pretty good record. You'd see the occasional bowl team with 4 losses, but it was very rare to see one with 5 losses. Most of the games were pretty competitive. Now we have 43 bowl games. FORTY THREE. That means that 86 teams out of 128 make it to a bowl. That's ridiculous. It seems like half the games are between teams with 6-5 records, or worse. The kids love it, of course, because they get gifts from the bowl sponsors (and sometimes they are super cool), but I absolutely hate mediocre football.
Shit, that was a bit of a rant, wasn't it?