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Everything posted by Wrestej

  1. Would have been a perfect weight for Zach Elam.
  2. I don’t think either of those weight classes are needed. A 215-225 class would be good. For the bigger guys over 285 I imagine they are going to be linemen for football.
  3. 184 is not a weight To have to worry about. Hawks was/is on the mend don’t know when he would be ready to go but also have Whiting which is more than capable to win.
  4. I would like it if redshirts were only available to incoming freshmen. Allow them a year to get acclimated to the rigors of going to university and competing. Medical should stay the same as now as well as a grey for true Olympic hopefuls. Anything else in my eyes is BS.
  5. Hope you had a change of heart on OKST vs Kansas
  6. Kid from Kentucky beat him. Rainey I think is the kids name.
  7. I don’t understand why mma fighters would handicap themselves by fighting just a boxing match. If he boxed other boxers pretty sure he would get hurt badly. I would like to see the shoe on the other foot and fight these bouts again in mma.
  8. Life lessons are usually learned the hard way. Bet he reads the fine print from now on. Early age to learn such a valuable piece of knowledge. Do feel bad for him though.
  9. I don’t think Smith is going anywhere but if he decided to call it a career would have to think Pendleton is high on the replacement list if not at the top.
  10. For Missouri it should be bringing home a trophy this year.
  11. I think Whiting should red-shirt. His defense is super solid, great positioning, but his offense needs to be improved and would benefit a great deal from red-shirting. I also wondered about Hawks. Didn’t see Surtin either. Edmonds was on the side for a bit but didn’t wrestle. I’m guessing Edmonds also red-shirts and then next year comes back at 141 after Hart is done. Edmond did an admirable job filling in at 149 last year but I think he was undersized for the weight. See how Conner does at 133 this year. Guess he had his knee tweaked a bit against Seltzer and looked a little apprehensive with it but won handily and did his sprint off the mat to the tunnel. Most impressed with Pulliam but I don’t know where he is going to fit. Looked like Mauller was just going through the motions with Pulliam. Wish Jacques would use that offense and pace every match this year. O’Toole is just on a different level from everyone. He is going to do special things. Hell he won AA’s last year going through a gauntlet with damn near a broken ankle from second round on, can’t imagine what a healthy O’Toole does this year but I am going to have funny watching and finding out. M-I-Z.
  12. Ben put Mizzou wrestling on the map. I will be forever grateful.
  13. Been awhile. See if I can remember my password this time.
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