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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Well thanks, I fix that.
  2. Its not a lion, please don't throw me in with that bunch, you need a paw identification course. Really has nothing to do with wrestling, found this fresh paw print when in Brazil, took photo, found it fit well for user image in other apps.
  3. How do you feel about toilet paper roll direction and toothpaste?
  4. good to know bro
  5. Last 3 years 28, 33, 30 matches, then plus b8 & ncaa Fr yr. Think it was 4 losses all Fr yr, last one last dual before b8.
  6. I'm get'n on it bro.
  7. Who is keeping him "suspended" and thus how could that be "unconstitutional?" BTW what article of constitution?
  8. Pretty sure Pat Smith was ~98 unbeaten streak.
  9. Wait ... who are you and where did you come from?!!
  10. waiting to here the last way?
  11. Looks good now, I wouldn't be in a big hurry to add anymore forum than current till we see where this is going in terms of numbers/demand.
  12. Probably that first 6 feet.
  13. something like itrug.com I don't know, I can't remember.
  14. That'd be a good suggestion for the additional forums, the Tbar MSU forum, they can keep it all in their own space.
  15. Where is this Tbar?
  16. Worth noting that Bob has had an eternity to amass his lead and yet he is within reach. so game on, or as @MPhillips would say: get on it!
  17. Without their real names how will we know what crimes these anonymous posters are committing?
  18. should name it Jimmy's Place
  19. If we all chip in $s could you buy the Seperated at Birth and the Iran threads from those usaw scoundrels.
  20. Are you MFlap?
  21. Toasting us with a PBR as we speak.
  22. Its the wild west.
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