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Everything posted by ionel

  1. PS: do you recall any posts by JB in the last half hour? I don't. I replied immediately to your post, Carl had just arrived. When I hit send it went dead.
  2. Note no reply from JB. He did swallow the Last Word but didn't quite get that cherry down.
  3. Hutton was undefeated thru semi final of his 3rd (Jr yr) lost by tie RD in finals then won out to win 3rd in Sr year. Not exactly what you meant but he would've been 4x and undefeated if not for the RD. Of course as Wkn would point out, he had other close matches.
  4. uh huh GWN & another poster were doing the heavy lifting over there, if you got in after was only because you had your finger on the cut off switch. Let's see time stamp on those last 5 posts.
  5. think we shut it down. Long live intermat!
  6. You don't play well Gimp.
  7. ftfy again
  8. But did Carr even win at wrestle offs, do we know he wrestles this weekend. I mean we know @Wrestleknownothing doesn't know but does someone in the know actually know?
  9. The Pirate made it to the Other Side.
  10. Overrated
  11. I'd really like to own that avatar.
  12. Ain't how it works Know
  13. weren't you also a ponce on that other board?
  14. ahh ... smart folk you are
  15. Bob and Du forum saviors
  16. yes I may have rounded up
  17. Did that already thanks bro.
  18. original ipad development release in ~2002, been used for this sort of thing for a good dozen year, plus nothing magic about an ipad its just another tablet with a different operating system
  19. Go sit on it porta!
  20. My Garmin app says I'm 20, my DL says otherwise, can I use either or take the simple average?
  21. I think your edit time is way too restrictive, why even put a time limit on it? There are many times one is posting while traveling or end of day etc. check other end of trip or next day and find that autocorrect grabbed you words right before send and just want a simple correction or have second thought and just want to delete the post. Obviously once someone else quotes post your words are then out there never to be changed again.
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