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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I was viewing at the start, camera shooting thru backstop net (they couldve taken it down correct?) no time or score info, appeared only the one high camera view & then announcing. I didn't make it thru half of first match, decided I needed to clean my bike drive train before the next ride. Yeah you'd think MIvUNC was gonna be good. Am assuming this was a venue thing cause I've watched a lot on ESPN+ and they've generally been good.
  2. Like said, thats been done, we moved on from there, but check the Lehigh & Bucknell from this weekend, video was fine but announcing pretty lame. You have to have score info also, single camera is not gonna do it.
  3. What about a BOGO card for my favorite shoe shop, I mean sure I gotta find someone else with same size feet and similar taste but then I can double my money so its kind've like crypto without the massive Co2 issues. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. ftfy
  5. Well they did. So if your favorite team was on the road wrestling Minny you could sign up for gopher video and great news this meant you could also watch volleyball, and who doesn't wanta watch female rodents playing volleyball. If your team then traveled to Iowa St you could then sign up for Clone service and also watch all the clone softball you wanted. Course many of us wrestling fans just wanta watch wrestling. Flo saw a market there, only problem is they refused to listen to the customer or upgrade UI/UX etc leaving the door open. Personally I wish everyone was on the ESPN+. There are still other smaller programs doing it on their own sometimes picked up by others for the big matches, see Lehigh & Bucknell this weekend.
  6. rodents excell at bison ... got it
  7. Well at least not a house falling into the ocean.
  8. Definitely a no on the Beavers. But yeah he might be interested in that match.
  9. I was surtin that was gonna go the other way.
  10. I dont often want to learn about currency & covid But when I do I go to a wrestling forum Stay liquid my friends.
  11. Good for you, hope it goes well and they can recover from this, videos look pretty bad in some areas. Where in FL? One of my sons was Satellite Beach on West side of A1A but just took a new job in Beaverton, OR so now out of hurricane/tropical storm country.
  12. See above, Fed govt always in favor of a new tax.
  13. Believe that day has already arrived.
  14. Pretty much, hopefully you did a little carbo loading (beer) inbetween firewood trips.
  15. I coulda fixed my autocorrected words above on the old forum but Bob is grumpy and only gives us 15 minutes on this here forum, I'm not that fast. Well getting some spit'n stuff here too and 32 (maybe we ain't far apart), I actually cheated & did an interval Vo2 max workout on indoor smart trainer.
  16. Thanks, lots like made the right decision to get a bike ride in first.
  17. G had Humphreys pinned with minute to go, it was a slow ref at this meet, you don't want this guy.
  18. Like an hour, 30 min?
  19. But do the three have unique first names or initials?
  20. Well some of we now just laugh and post.
  21. You mean:
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