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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. Full disclosure, I was gonna post the "Jane, you...", but thought better of it.
  2. Weather? I've lived both places and believe it or not the difference is huge. Ithaca may still have snow on the ground and they're getting ready to mow their lawns in Central PA. A little bit of exaggeration but you'd be amazed.
  3. I've posted on here a lot for a year and a half, and I've yet to say anything relevant.
  4. If they have as much trouble deciding who wins as they did who ought to be a finalist, maybe we'll have 7 co-champions. I don't know who gets left out... My official prediction, co-champions Yianni and Parris. But as some of you know, I'm pretty much always wrong about such things.
  5. I agree with WKN. I thought the wrestling was for the most part outstanding. I guess I don't necessarily mind the commercials and interviews too awful much... time to visit the john, grab some food or drink. The reviews absolutely drive me wild. No fun for viewers and can completely change the match. I think they're simply a matter of copying the NFL, MLB. Gotta do something about that.
  6. Not a dog in the bunch. A good case could be made for all of them.
  7. I guess it goes without saying that very, very rarely is the defensive wrestler's back as parallel, both ways, to the mat as Yianni's were without being stuck. At least at the time he was on top of Murin. I guess as long as Murin is thicker than 4", it was the right call. Probably that's why someone on here said that position can't be backpoints. It was a weird situation. I'll never forget the expression on Yianni's face. He was more than a little worried for a few seconds.
  8. Don't I remember this as a NJDan M.O.? "I heard something... Not saying it's gonna happen." You don't suppose...
  9. And, you're always raising a stink about something, Mr. John.
  10. Your strategy may have been correct. You may have regretted the jalapeno popcorn later...
  11. KJU: I won 6 Olympic gold medals in wrestling. DJT: I won 7. DJT: After the last one I went out and played 18 holes of golf. Shot a 31. KJU: After my last one I went out and shot a 28. DJT: You got me there, Buddy.
  12. Probably about everybody except maybe Parris. Maybe Parris too, he's gotta be close to 285, or more. Maybe not Hilger. He probably wants a break from eating.
  13. Whether there is/was a Jesus, a Muhammad, whatever happened, I'm always astounded that people argue about what nonsense occured 2000, 3000 years ago and hold grudges based on heresay and documents that have been copied and translated umpteen times, believed as fact. Makes the Bloods and the Crips seem like best buddies. “One man doesn't believe in God at all, while the other believes in him so thoroughly that he prays as he murders men!” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot
  14. “Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.” ― Richard P. Feynman I'm not even sure Charles Dodgson could keep up with the level of whataboutism here.
  15. Many times I've remarked how there are a lot of very smart people on this forum. This thread makes me realize that maybe "we" represent a more average slice of humanity than I thought. I believe "we" have regressed to the mean here. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin Thursday, Friday, Saturday were great but I'm looking forward to a time away from about half of you wonderful gents.
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