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College Redshirt

College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. Something tells me if this ended up waking the kid up and he’s on a more consistent path then Taylor is fine with how the decision turned out. Hard lessons and fresh starts are sometimes necessary.
  2. Doesn’t Virginia have like 6 classes? Obviously with that wide of a spread a lot of people are getting in.
  3. Brownsburg in Indiana hair completely “Smashed” the single class state tournament with 7 state champions. In doing so their finals results basically would have won them a dual title championship vs the entire state too. Gotta give them some national credit.
  4. Been thinking for awhile a higher value should be put on winning matches, especially against high quality opponents, during the last half of the season compared to the starting half. Doesn’t fix everything but seems like it could bring the rating of wrestlers down who are dodging competition later in the season.
  5. “llegal fist to the back”
  6. Based on the current state of college sports he still have a few years to evaluate/reevaluate that.
  7. Yes but most college kids can’t afford to take that chance considering the court case will likely be tied up for a few years and they only have a limited amount of finances to graduate and move on with their lives.
  8. Most cut programs at least honor their scholarships through an athletes graduation. While CSU isn’t giving out 100% scholarships the % they do give likely means something to athletes that may not be sure of their athletics future.
  9. Be interesting to see what % of the starting line up are portal transfers for the Top 20 teams. I’m not digging into that research/math but if you want to be my guest.
  10. I also think the real sweat spot of taking advantage of the new portal system is a teams ability to get Sophomores-Seniors. As I mention before Grad transfers have been a thing forever so I call that statistic a wash. And there’s a pretty standard history of Redshirt Freshman or even regular Freshman requests on a transfer due to not liking the program after reaching campus or not feeling they will get into the lineup quick enough due to tough upperclass competition. Get those Sophomores-Seniors that could have remained at their current school seems to be the portals sweet spot for changing a teams dynamic.
  11. I still am one that looks at transfers in two different lights. Teams gaining Grad transfers vs. teams getting portal under-grad transfers. Since Grad-transfers have been around for ages, I don’t look at that as a change that would be any different than usual. As opposed to under-grad portal transfers that are now having a new impact on some programs quick moving up or down as a dual team or in NCAA AAs. So to throw a side bar into your original question I’d say what teams are being effected most from those under-grad portal transfer.
  12. But I was told Johnny was the hero of that story. That punk Jersey kid Daniel tried to steal his girl and should have been called for an illegally kick to the face during the All-Valley finals. Barney Stinson gets it.
  13. “Based on a True Story/Event” translates to take an inspirational story and create a money making entertainment piece out of it. If you are taking most of any “Based on a True Story/Event” as a history lesson you are doing it wrong. I’m sure Robles was told multiple time they were going to have to Hollywood the story up both for time allotted to tell the movie and certain events to make it a movie piece for anyone. Since he stuck with them as an advisor I’m guessing he was Ok with most of creative liberties they decided to take. As a history teacher I always tell kids to be inspired by the film, but be smart enough to do your own research on the historical people/events. You likely will learn more details and background which will help you like certain aspects better, but don’t be surprised if you are also disappointed in certain other aspects due to the movie glossing things over to create a hero moment or making it up for entertainment value.
  14. 9th - Penn HS 10th - New Prairie HS 11th - New Prairie HS 12th - Transferred to Jimtown HS (something said about being closer to a relative?), but then elected not to complete in HS not sure if eligibility became a factor again.
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