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Jimmy Cinnabon

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Everything posted by Jimmy Cinnabon

  1. He plans to not coach for another 15 years? That's a long time to be out of the sport if he expects to come back.
  2. I obviously don't know for sure if he's blacklisted but the fact that he's still unemployed in any wrestling capacity seems very odd to be given his credentials and background. Why would he suddenly become a salesman if he has all these great wrestling coach opportunities?
  3. Yeah but usually leaving for a new job doesn’t mean you’re essentially blacklisted forever from the industry. Scott went from D1 head coach to out of the sport entirely.
  4. So you have no sympathy for him? It was his choice, so screw 'em?
  5. He was screwed by the Cowboys, who enticed him to leave a primo D1 Head Coaching position at UNC.
  6. Spencer Lee. He’s gonna win Oly gold this summer. Maybe another in 2028. Pa born and bred. Will be able to attract elite recruits. Perfect fit.
  7. I could see Cael hanging it up early. I say he coaches until 50. Then Spencer Lee takes over.
  8. They should bump all the weight classes up 25 pounds.
  9. Does this mean medal winners should get a * in the record books?
  10. Surprising -- the almost complete lack of sympathy toward Coleman Scott. The view here seems to be "tough cookies, you'll be fine."
  11. They can still land Cannon in the portal.
  12. Do you see him landing another D-1 coaching job? How about D-2 or D-3? High school?
  13. Does going from D1 Head Coach to out of the sport completely sound OK?
  14. He’s actually right. Cael just does a better job coaching up the elite recruits. Tom grinds them down to the bone.
  15. loved him in Pinneaple Express
  16. Wow, then the Cowboy Screwjob is even worse than I thought. Head Coach of a successful D-1 program at UNC -> assistant at OK State -> out of the sport completely
  17. Ohio State has a far larger athletic endowment than any other B10 school, it's not even close.
  18. There really aren't that many top-tier MMA fighters who are wrestlers. As a wrestling fan we should support any MMA fighter from a wrestling background.
  19. The bigger surprise is that Trump has shrunk a few inches. Bo is 6’1 and Trump was supposedly 6’3.
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