I believe this a huge effort by the Biden administration to get the young vote and a few older ones. So, this is buying votes on steroids. Which is illegal. Trying to frame this around helping the irresponsible poor college graduates who never took a BASIC ECONOMICS class 101. They now how spent 50K,!00K ,200K on a useless sometimes unmarketable degree. This should be a teachable moment for them as President Obama would say. How do this highly educated people learn if there are no consequences for their very poor choices. Some of us could possibly go along with a risk shared proposal. Student pays 70 percent, school pays 25 percent and government pays 5 percent. This would stop the colleges from offering hundreds of pointless, useless degrees. Maybe colleges could think about and in act useful and affordable education. If colleges still want to offer the useless degrees, then the college pays 100 percent of the cost. So, to sum this up this is vote buying plain and simple. Which is illegal.