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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. I believe this will go right over someone's head. But you tried.
  2. It does seem odd to me.
  3. Just curious how much are high school wrestling coaches paid? Looking also for the states of South Carolina and North Carolina especially.. Thanks. It doesn't have to be exact amounts. Then how does that compare with football coaches salaries?
  4. He bragged during his testimony to have 3 separate safes to keep his cash in. Wow!!!!!
  5. Those are 3 very good questions. I guess he lived at her house when he returned from Africa and a short while there after she got a condo elsewhere. Supposedly because of safety reasons. They asked him whether he had seen Wade at that house. He said no. He asked if ever knew of her daughter dating Wade he said no. He said he never knows who his daughter is dating. Ever. I think he was brought to testify of when his daughter started a relationship with Wade. His testimony did noy help her. She is on payroll now, but she had a private practice recently and was paid with checks and cash just like her boyfriend Wade. Wade said it was common to get be paid with large amounts of cash. I wonder who his clients were?
  6. Looks like they hand them out, in some cases like candy.
  7. I was curious why they brought Fani's dad in on the 2nd day of the hearing. I didn't think her lawyers would bring her back the 2nd day because of her poor performance on day one. But they bring in her dad, Why? In her first day she talked an awful lot about having cash, ( lots of cash) ,paying with cash and her dad always told her to have cash because its a black thing ( what the heck is that). So dad comes and explains why he and other blacks have lots of cash ( 6 months of expenses ) and that he had 3 safes with cash at the same time. WOW. I'm not buying that. Wade had earlier testified about clients paying him in large amount of cash. Are you not supposed to claim that money and put on your books, deposit it in your business bank account, and pay taxes with it? I think the IRS would have something to say about all this.
  8. That would be yes times 100.
  9. I'm just messing with you. Did you see my previous post wanting more data about the actual encounter with the police. Whether he has a gun or is he actively shooting or has he already shot someone. Are there hostages involved. Sometimes the individual has mixed alcohol with their medication. It will not end well.
  10. That is what the data is saying.
  11. It would be nice to have a little more information. Does the individual have a weapon? Has the individual already used the weapon and shot someone? Has he shot at the police? Has he already killed someone or is he threatening to kill someone? Does the individual have a history of violently uses a gun? Is there any data that answers these questions. But like I said earlier by the time someone with mental illness is an adult and has a gun ( that he shouldn't have ) and the police have to interact its way to late. It does not end well.
  12. Just answering your first sentence. That is why mental illness needs to be addressed early. Maybe 5 to 12 years old. By the time the police have to get involved with an adult with guns they shouldn.t have it is way too late. I actually worked on a farm where my boss suffered from mental illness. His father had abused him physically and mentally when he was a young boy. He was removed from that home and moved to his aunt's house. He was a really nice guy but when he was under stress he would snap ( usually with a gun) and fortunately 2 of his neighbors who were policeman would have to carefully talk him back to normal and calm him down. If they had not been there, I'm sure things could have gone really bad.
  13. The shooter Moreno was taking medication for Schizophrenia. I'm sure there are people a lot smarter than myself that could come up with productive ways to address this problem. It definitely would be a multiple pronged approach. . Crumbley's mom actually bought her son, who was suffering from mental illness the pistol he used to kill his fellow students. I can't even begin to explain that.
  14. They say she legally acquired the gun in Texas. I would like that be explained in more detail. I live in North Carolina. If I go to Ed's gun shop and I have the same rap sheet or record she had, they run a background check on me immediately. I would be denied the purchase of any gun. The laws are in place they just need to be strictly enforced. By addressing the mental issue in a productive way (parents, teachers, neighbors, law enforcement and friends need to get involved) and enforcing the current laws in place you could reduce these shootings by 90 percent.
  15. If the evil one he speaks of had been reelected we would not have 300,000 illegal immigrants (border crisis)coming across our border each month. Putin would have never invaded Ukraine. Hamas would have never attacked Israel. Iran would not be days away from having enough enriched uranium to make nuclear bombs. The evil one would not have allowed a war on gas and oil company's in America. We would be energy independent. WE would not be forgiving 150 billion dollars in legitimate, legal student loans. America would not have had to endure some of the highest inflation in decades. Home ownership would be more affordable because of lower interest rates. So yes as you have called him the evil one would be my choice.
  16. By far and away America has the most mental illness amongst its citizens than other countries. Then the doctors with good intentions start giving out drugs like candy hoping to help the individual. Sometimes it does help but many times it makes matters worse. We need to address mental illness in a way that is productive and positive for those who are suffering from it. At one time in America, parents ,teachers, relatives and other could recognize mental issues and talk about it and say something. Then it could be addressed at a very young age with a good chance of having a very positive result. For some reason our society decided to rely way too much on drugs to fix the problem or just to totally ignore it altogether.
  17. She is dead.
  18. The one is dumb and evil the other is just evil. I will take the evil one.
  19. I do remember that weird episode with Brands taking his shoe off and bending the hell out of it to the referee. The referee had to be wondering this is a little crazy.
  20. Actually I was thinking of the Mongolian Coaches in the 2016 Olympics along with the shoe thrown and President Bush.
  21. I was wondering if you could find the Mongolian coaches in the 2016 Olympics stripping their clothes off in protest.
  22. Good job,thanks for showing the video. One day I will get one of my 15 grandchildren to show me how its done.
  23. I believe the American voter has seen shrinkflation ( Cognitive decline) especially in the case of the current president Joe Biden since he has been in office.
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