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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. If they can put 6 or 7 in the finals they will have a chance. 125,133,149 and 197 need to place in the 3 to 5 range. It will be really close. Starocci will need to be healthy and make the finals. It will be very close. But as we know things don't always go according to plans. My prediction if Starocci is healthy is 160.
  2. What are some of the NIL's that previous NCAA Champions have received. 75K or more?
  3. Whatever happens in the 125 bracket will not surprise me. 125 has been crazy all year, why would it stop now. it could go close to the seeding or it could go totally bi-polar.
  4. You can also disable the heat pump or AC unit. If the house has natural gas you can put padlock on the meter outside. Just don't let them see you do it.
  5. What weight? Thanks
  6. Your first sentence says it all. It's actually very simple if you have the CS factor..
  7. Maybe we need a little vigilante justice. The laws on the books are ridiculous. The homeowner is screwed. I would shut off the power to the house and the water. I might also hire a squatter to squat over squatter. Then i my go the Vigilante route.
  8. No, he never said that. He also said. You are as dumb or as crazy as a soup sandwich. That could also apply to Jamie Raskin.
  9. Jamie Raskin, what an absolute waste of oxygen. As my dad used to say and I quote "he is as worthless as tits on a boar hog."
  10. Or North Korea or Iran
  11. Nice job . Well said. Its all about staying healthy and peaking at the NCAA's. Period.
  12. WE are at 800 billion right now and it is rapidly increasing. That works out to 90 million dollar every hour of every day. Or 1.5 million dollars every minute.
  13. When you watch the MSM reporters or whatever they are do you ever think they really need some phycological help. I just find it difficult that grown adults with a great deal of education could be mentally so far removed from reality. I mean how do they function outside of their little bubbles on TV.
  14. How did he do at the Eastern Nationals?
  15. I was referring to Griffith and Ruth. Having success against very good wrestlers that wrestle at a very controlled pace is much different than wrestling a very good wrestler with a high energy fast pace. I did not say anything about Ramirez. Should be some really exciting matches. Can't wait.
  16. It looked like Hamiti got injured at the end of the 2nd period. He looked like a totally different wrestler the rest of the match. When he was walking off the mat he was limping. Someone else talked about this. I'm not taking anything away from Messinbrink that was a hell of a match. I had him wining in a barn burner.
  17. You need a 5 gallon tank to wrestle Griffith and Ruth. You need a 20 gallon tank and a reserve tank to wrestle Messinbrink
  18. Griffith and Monday wrestle at very slow disciplined pace. Messinbrink wrestles at extremely fast high energy pace. You must a very large gas tank and a reserve tank to wrestle Messinbrink.
  19. That would make sense. He was going about 80 mph and then all the sudden after that late takedown he was going about 10mph and for the rest of the match. It was very strange.
  20. I have found over time when trying to discuss things with people who do not have the CS factor (common sense) it is nearly impossible to have a productive conversation. It doesn't matter the number of facts you present it goes in one ear and out the other.
  21. I'll take Welsh to finals but I would be happy with top 6.
  22. agreed. 197 in general not a very deep weight. 174 is not that deep and some of the top guys are not 100 percent.
  23. 165 is the Premier weight this year. All the top wrestlers are healthy and ready for battle. The winner should get outstanding wrestler award.
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