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VakAttack last won the day on February 19

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  1. People are underselling Kennedy's ability this year (while Iowa fans have been overestimating it until recently).
  2. Ok, first update. PRIOR COMPETITORS WHO HAVE CONFIRMED THEY WANT TO PARTICIPATE Me. @MPhillips @flyingcement @Idaho @nhs67 @MizzouFan01 @JVStateChamp @RockLobster @Perry @steamboat_charlie @Truzzcat PRIOR COMPETITORS WHO HAVE NOT RESPONDED @lu_alum @Antitroll2828 @jajensen09 @Gage CURRENT WAITING LIST IN ORDER OF RESPONSE @BruceyB @okokzach @scorenomore @killdozer @MM2018 @charmon55 Not going to lie to you guys, if lu_alum doesn't show up, the scoring will be slower in prior years. Right now I'm thinking about Sunday, March 16 as the draft date.
  3. Unbelievable, gents. We've made it to our FOURTH year of doing this. This will be our official thread as we start to put together the league. My plan for right now is we will be having a $25 entry fee. We will pay out as follows, team trophies like NCAAs so the top 4 get paid something. We cap the league at 15 players as always. The entry fees should total $375 ($25 x 15 players). 1st Place: $200 2nd Place: $100 3rd Place: $50 4th Place: $25 (money back) HERE ARE LAST YEAR'S ENTRANTS AND THEIR STATUS AS OF NOW @Antitroll2828 @JVStateChamp - confirmed wants to play @Perry - confirmed wants to play Me. The Kid. - confirmed wants to play @flyingcement @lu_alum @RockLobster @Gage @MizzouFan01 - confirmed wants to play @steamboat_charlie @Idaho @MPhillips - he got Biblical in response to the Mark of the Beast going onto the waiting list, so I think he's in @Truzzcat - confirmed wants to play @jajensen09 @nhs67 - confirmed wants to play My policy this year remains the same as last year: Prior year entrants have first dibs, but if I don't hear from you by a certain time (TBD) before the Draft (TBD also but has to be done by Tuesday night before NCAAs, because I fly out Wednesday morning) we will go to the wait list. Also, if you don't pay by that same time given to prior entrants, you lose your spot unless you get it paid before it's filled by someone off the wait list. The draft will be held using these forums and a Zoom call (Zoom was fun last year for those that joined!) to try to make it go as fast as possible. I'll hammer out the draft details in a later post. The rules remain the same: you draft one person per weight class, plus you get one "Wild Card" which can be any weight. The Draft will be snake style. HERE IS OUR CURRENT WAIT LIST, WHICH WILL BE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE @666 @BruceyB
  4. Last years league entrants would get first dibs, just like we did last year, and then if they don't respond by a certain time before the draft starts, people would be invited from the wait list. Right now first off the waiting list is @666. I don't have last year's entrants memorized yet, but if @lu_alum is around (the real hero in this league) he'll have it.
  5. Not at all. And as @poke1 pointed out, I appear to have remembered it backward.
  6. The odds of Caliendo bonusing Amine is very low. Amine isn't an offensive dynamo, but he is very good at holding others offense at bay.
  7. I think at least Spratley and Jamison transferred to Oklahoma during high school.
  8. As it ever was. Will need to be done by Tuesday before NCAAs because I'm flying to Philly on Wednesday.
  9. Coach Dave apparently reduced Hendrickson's money by 5% in honor of this post.
  10. Oh it's happening.
  11. 125: Spratley DEC Cruz 133: Ayala MDEC Witcraft 141: Jamison DEC Schriever 149: Parco MDEC Young 157: Teemer DEC Fish 165: Caliendo DEC Amine 174: Hamiti DEC Brands/Kennedy 184: Ferrari DEC Plott/ Plott DEC Arnold 197: Buchanan MDEC Surber 285: Hendrickson FALL Kueter Iowa 21-15
  12. I can't talk smack, my team is too busy acting as a meat shield for Oklahoma State in the transfer debate, what with those morally superior folks in Stillwater.
  13. *I am the personal property of VakAttack*
  14. Put it on your Yelp review.
  15. He's the man. I feel lucky I'm getting to watch him in person one more time.
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