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VakAttack last won the day on September 13 2024

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  1. Lilledahl named the Man of the Match is insane behavior.
  2. Man...I really like watching Kasak wrestle, lol.
  3. Great match from Lovett!
  4. How will Nebby poop its pants in this match, lol?
  5. Unfortunately, I think that was the right call.
  6. Braeden Davis on the team bus.
  7. Now it's time for the interesting matches.
  8. Manning showing his mastery of wrestling strategy by going underneath in a match where already has been under and not come close to an escape. EDIT: AS I TYPED IT PINTO MADE ME LOOK LIKE A DOPE!
  9. Theoretically Haines shouldn't be able to horse Pinto around.
  10. You could just say "Braunagel is more of a defensive wrestler, looking to grind out wins thru his ultra toughness" and accomplished the same thing without being disingenuous.
  11. I mean....that's fine, but don't lie, lol.
  12. I'm glad that happened to Kueter, he was on Luffman's legs easily multiple times in the third. Do some of that early.
  13. Earlier he was talking about how he likes to be on the attack at all times.
  14. I have no idea what they're doing, lol.
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