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Are Republicans Insecure About Their Masculinity?

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17 hours ago, Caveira said:

This one was common sense no? 


His profile on twitter says he’s a social justice warrior…. 


I don't see an issue. Did you read the article or just Alex Jones-ed the headline and ran with the interpretation that would get you the most support from people that already agree with you? If so, lazy! 

The 'consensual sex' part of the article didn't tip you off that this was an own goal? 

You're all so happy to point out that something isn't perfect so as to avoid even the tiniest improvement in a situation. What is wrong with you? This is one of the most common occurrences on this board. Y'all give one example of something not working and try to make it seem like it is rampant. It usually isn't. But do you care? No. The one instance, in your mind, is enough to scrap that thing you find so offensive but likely doesn't effect your life in any meaningful way. 

Tell me how this story effects your life in any meaningful way? 

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14 hours ago, Lipdrag said:

Do any of those countries have a replacement rate of fertility?  I think they are actually not sustainable (i.e. stable) at all.  Perhaps just dying without a fight so therefore not turbulent but certainly not sustainable nor stable.  Just a slow steady descent like a plane flying at a negative 2 degree glideslope.  It is peaceful until it is not.  Steady as she goes.


Not addressing the point at all but pivoting to something else that justifies you keeping women in their place. How cosmopolitan of you! 

You can take another swing at actually addressing the point or I'll just assume you have no rebuttal and are just salty about it. 

Your point is unfounded. A replacement fertility rate is not something that we need or necessarily want moving forward. If there is one thing we are good at is exploiting an opportunity. If it turns out a desirable area to live/work is rife with opportunity, people move there to take advantage. And what does that do to the gene pool of that population? Diversifies it! Though the population might be shrinking, in the short term. The long term health of the species is in good shape because of diversity. 

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19 hours ago, Scouts Honor said:

so again, you deflect.../

here is the question

people are moving away from trans people..

like people fled the citites/ 

You clearly don't understand the point of your argument if that is your take away. 

My point on this topic has always been that you are simply scared of what society will look like if trans people are allowed the freedoms that they are asking for. You are fighting against giving those freedoms. Freedoms that you have failed to prove are harmful in any way other than, 'its just common sense'. When you pose a straw man question as a rebuttal you are either too ignorant of how to have a conversation about this, too emotional and thus resorting to fallacious tactics(don't be embarrassed it happens to just about everyone that is losing an argument), or you're doing it on purpose. 

I'm happy to explain things so that other people can read this and hopefully do better. But we've gone round and round about this. You have offered nothing to indicate you understand or are trying to understand the situation of trans people. But are solely interested in rejecting the rights and requests of a vulnerable population. For what reason? You feel(emotionally) that it is dangerous. I disagree and there is plenty of information that backs me up. If we want to just leave it there we can. You are wrong in this situation and as I've pointed out your position mirrors that of countless similar situations in the past. You, mistakenly, think it will endanger society, women, and/or children if this group is allowed into the melting pot. Again, you're wrong. I can't stress that enough. If it makes you feel better to have a tantrum about it, go ahead. But every time to mention something about trans people or just about anything disgustingly disingenuous about a vulnerable population for the sake of you maintaining the feeling comfort with your place in life. I will ask you to prove what you say is true. If you can't handle that. Sorry not sorry. 

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11 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

You clearly don't understand the point of your argument if that is your take away. 

My point on this topic has always been that you are simply scared of what society will look like if trans people are allowed the freedoms that they are asking for. You are fighting against giving those freedoms. Freedoms that you have failed to prove are harmful in any way other than, 'its just common sense'. When you pose a straw man question as a rebuttal you are either too ignorant of how to have a conversation about this, too emotional and thus resorting to fallacious tactics(don't be embarrassed it happens to just about everyone that is losing an argument), or you're doing it on purpose. 

I'm happy to explain things so that other people can read this and hopefully do better. But we've gone round and round about this. You have offered nothing to indicate you understand or are trying to understand the situation of trans people. But are solely interested in rejecting the rights and requests of a vulnerable population. For what reason? You feel(emotionally) that it is dangerous. I disagree and there is plenty of information that backs me up. If we want to just leave it there we can. You are wrong in this situation and as I've pointed out your position mirrors that of countless similar situations in the past. You, mistakenly, think it will endanger society, women, and/or children if this group is allowed into the melting pot. Again, you're wrong. I can't stress that enough. If it makes you feel better to have a tantrum about it, go ahead. But every time to mention something about trans people or just about anything disgustingly disingenuous about a vulnerable population for the sake of you maintaining the feeling comfort with your place in life. I will ask you to prove what you say is true. If you can't handle that. Sorry not sorry. 

Not addressing the point at all but pivoting to something else that justifies you keeping women in their place to be replaced by men. How misogynist of you! 

i can play the deflection game using your own posts

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18 hours ago, Bigbrog said:

You know who is a coward...YOU...you are someone who can't stand when someone else has a different opinion than yours and you turn around and accuse them of being afraid of their own shadows.  That is such a weak and terrible take.  Who is the afraid one here??  I am not afraid of people that think they are different sex then their genetic make up...I am also not afraid of someone who thinks someone of a certain genetic sex shouldn't use the same bathroom as someone of the opposite genetic sex...however, you are. People with that opinion you attack them, call them names, try and lecture and belittle them.  One of the best defenses for this whole trans debate is me asking you...why do feel it is okay to push YOUR views on other people and insist they conform to your stance and the language you choose to use, but it isn't okay for others to turn around and do the same to you just the opposite opinion??  Funny part is...99% of the people on here that hold a completely different opinion on this DON'T do that.  Believing the science/genetics/biology of sex DOES NOT = transphobe or that anyone is scared!  Having an opinion on what are appropriate bathrooms to use DOES NOT = transphobe or that anyone is scared!  These opinions in no way shape or form, oppress anyone, they don't hurt anyone, they don't take anyone's rights away, they don't mean you don't support a family member if they wanted to be trans, etc.  Quit playing the victim and quit playing it for others.

Not sure why you brought up civil rights or equal rights here, but can you name one thing that heterosexual people have "rights" to that trans men/women do not?  My definition of "rights' for this question are federal or state laws that only apply to heterosexual people and not trans men/women

Great question and one I hear from the conservatives, 'why do feel it is okay to push YOUR views on other people and insist they conform to your stance and the language you choose to use, but it isn't okay for others to turn around and do the same to you just the opposite opinion'?

It was the same question and/or sentiment that has been used to justify all sorts of societal maladies such as the abolition of slavery, women suffrage, civil rights, gays in the military, and now trans rights. Sorry that your ideology forces you to see these PEOPLE as less than people and in so less deserving of equality. But you're wrong. At every step, in each of the above mentioned situations, you and people that espoused that same sentiment have been wrong. The next time something like this comes up, and it will, you'll still be wrong. Will you have learned? Hopefully, but I'm not holding my breath. 

To answer the second part of the question. Because the opposite of giving someone equal rights is oppression. We don't do that here. Or better yet, we try not to. We still do quite a bit because people like you still have their hands on levers of power and decide who is worthy of equality and who isn't and still decide to hold people back for infantile reasons that are couched in the very question that you asked. 

"Funny part is...99%" not really an important point but I'll tackle it because this is going to be long anyway... This is a BS stat and indicative of how you see yourself and how much support you feel you have an issue. There is plenty of name calling on this site. 

Science: why is it you site and grasp onto one point of 'science' but ignore the other ones on this topic. There may be two ways X and Y chromosomes arrange but there is a variety of ways that they are expressed. If my memory serves we have already talked about XX people having genitalia that typically appears on people with XY and vise versa. These things aren't as cut and dry as you want or portray them to be. And digging your heels into the 'there's only two sexes' as if that is an answer to anything on this topic is childish and ignorant of all the information we currently have on the topic. 

And yes, denying people their dignity on the basis of 'science' as you put it is transphobic because of all the widely available information that tells you that holding that position is dangerous to trans people. It is. Regardless of your feelings. Denying them, out of whole clothe, the simplicity of using a bathroom they prefer to associate with is putting their lives in danger. You prefer the lives of your family and I understand that but you have to understand that making and holding to these imaginary rules(and bathroom rules are imaginary or at least quite flexible) put trans people in danger. You can, and I feel you have, said quite matter of factly that you don't care about the lives of trans people and that IS transphobic. You're so scared of them that you would rather see them die or come to harm than use the bathroom of their choosing. 

Those opinions do oppress people. Sorry you don't want to see it. But they do. Denying something that everyone else has IS oppression. 

There are victims. I am not one of them, but I am happy to stand up for them. But there are and will continue to be as long as people like you hold opinions like this. 

I think you may have misinterpreted what I meant by 'Civil Rights'. What I meant was, your opinion on this topic is similar to those used to try to keep the Civil Rights Act from being passed or Women's Suffrage or a myriad of other things that small groups had to fight society for to establish equal rights under the law. 

But what rights do they not have, right now some of them don't have the right to try to get specific forms of health care. That's a right isn't it? I know you can't say 'Yes' because it'll open up a whole can of worms you're not ready to talk about. But suffice it to say you're wrong again. 

I suggest you read this article. It articulates a position opposite yours that you should consider: Harvard Crimson

This was fun, thanks. 

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50 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:


Didn't someone just uncover a plot to pay right wing influencers to help 45 and hurt KH?


Who bank rolled it? 


Why do you think that is? 

Because 45 will be tougher on Russia with sanctions and trade embargoes and... oh ya the war they are currently fighting against our ally. 

This is a joke. I laughed. Thanks. 

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31 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:

Not addressing the point at all but pivoting to something else that justifies you keeping women in their place to be replaced by men. How misogynist of you! 

i can play the deflection game using your own posts

You always have. Not surprised. That's why you're a coward. 

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31 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:

what freedoms do trans not have?

what freedoms could trans GAIN which would NOT take away from women?


again, people are moving away from areas with trans people? 

so like cities are emptying out? 


In some states, receiving necessary health care. 

Using the bathroom they choose to identify with. 

You can't move away from areas with trans people. They live everywhere. 

My point, which you continue to miss, is that people in power shut off resources because they didn't want those they felt were unworthy to be able to use them. Example was black people in New York and Baltimore and other cities integrating public pools. Filling them in. Cutting off their nose to spite their face. Which is similar to the trans hysteria that is going on right now. That it seems you are suffering from as well. People moved away from cities to flee integration of black folk. They were scared racists with privilege and wealth that could afford to uproot themselves and move to the burbs. Those who couldn't or just didn't want to because they weren't racist, stayed. Then what happened when some black folks were able to gain enough wealth to move out the burbs? They were attacked, intimidated, priced out, or just denied for a long while. Continuing the age old practice of redlining. Put certain demographics into certain, less desirable areas. Much like the native Americans, unless we found gold or something else that we wanted. Then we moved them again. Or in this case built a highway through their neighborhood. How is it you are blissfully unaware of how often your take on this topic has come up, so similarly, in the past? Is it on purpose? Or are you just that ignorant or spiteful that you don't care? I could believe either at this point. 

Hope this helped

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2 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

In some states, receiving necessary health care. 

Using the bathroom they choose to identify with. 

You can't move away from areas with trans people. They live everywhere. 



i agree, if they are not receiving NECESSARY health care that's a problem

using the RR THEY identify with MAY be a problem.. are you willing to trample on women's rights?

and that was my point... people aren't moving away from them.

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40 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:

if you aren't a coward, why are you so afraid of trump? 

I know 45's a moron. You know 45's a moron. I'll bet you feel 45's better for you and your situation than KH. That's fine. I think you're wrong but I don't know much about you to go into much detail. 

One side wants rich to get richer. If that's you and that's all you care about. Vote that way. Seems to be the case considering all the things we've talked about and how much empathy and compassion you have for those that don't look like you or hold your same values. 

The other side would like a little less inequality between those mentioned above and everyone else. Is it a more nuanced conversation? Yes. But I think that's where they lose you because you seem fairly black-and-white on certain topics. Unable or unwilling to narrow your brush at all to see how much damage you do with the opinions you hold. 

But no, I'm not a coward, again 45's just a moron. 

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