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Trump's 8 Arguments

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8 hours ago, mspart said:

I didn't remember that so googled it and found that Iran responded with a futile missile attack on Iraqi/US positions that caused no harm to US servicemen.   Was there more than this?  You said multiple times.   It seems that there was no war with Iran that I recall so tensions did not apparently escalate. 


That was in the Trump administration military reporting era... the reality that many soldiers had been severely injured in retaliation was not what they wanted to report. So, the Trump administration quashed the news, and it didn't make headlines.

Even at the time, it wasn't mainstream, but it wasn't difficult to find.

Killing Qasem Soleimani wasn't advised by US intelligence, and it ended up being every bit as bad as they had advised.

Another reason Trump should never, ever again gain a position of political power. He's an unqualified disaster in any political leadership role. He should stick with crooked real estate practices in NJ.

Edited by GreatWhiteNorth
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