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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Let’s hear it
  2. He’s here all week.
  3. I’ve heard this is a good one. May start it soon https://www.amazon.com/Winning-Traffic-Court-Seymour-Stern/dp/1411603818/ref=asc_df_1411603818/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=675739057612&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15994963275484606859&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021434&hvtargid=pla-1653307695297&psc=1&mcid=b56bf99d3526378b854155f4abc38082
  4. if you’re saying I didn’t understand then you might have just done the same thing. I saw your original comment and then your failed attempt at saying it was a joke. Good try. Oh and as hard as you’ve tried ……. You just can’t stop yourself from replying to me. Bahahahhahahahahahhahahahah
  5. Nah. Waaaaaay tooo toxic here. We should all leave
  6. Actually there have been a number of studies conducted by people that have done ride alongs with police officers regarding police interaction with people that have mental illness. Their research shows that when police are interacting with a person known to have a mental illness they’re less likely to use force or arrest the individual than they would in an encounter with someone without a mental illness. Even though you would think it might be the other way around. But I’ll let you cite those studies since the burden of proof regarding your original statement is on you.
  7. Not required doesn’t mean they don’t
  8. From instead of in. Like you did the second time. Good grief
  9. You didn’t say it was from 2021. You said in 2021.
  10. So you’re still saying 1 in 5 is usually? Got it.
  11. You did not back you claim.
  12. Please read what you just typed and then think real hard about why you can’t effectively communicate anything you say.
  13. ????????? You have yet Prove your first statement.
  14. Incorrect. It does happen. Daily. I have two friends that are cops. They help people with mental health issues all the time. Neither one has shot anyone let alone a mentally ill person. They both have talked people out of killing themselves, one which had a gun.
  15. Don’t need to it’s common sense which you don’t have.
  16. All kinds of people run stop lights each and every day. It’s never reported. Only the ones that are given tickets are reported. But it still happens.
  17. Doesn’t mean it’s not true pippy. Because anyone with a clue knows they do help thousands and thousands of mentally I’ll people without shooting them. Carry on though. My laughing at you is good for my soul.
  18. Or stupid
  19. You proved nothing about your original statement.
  20. So AGAIN you’re saying cops only deal with mentally ill people when a mentally I’ll person is shot? Cops never talk some down from suicide, or from shooting someone else?? Ever???
  21. This was YOUR original comment. Read the first sentence YOU wrote.
  22. Which means they USUALLY don’t get shot like YOU said they do. Life is hard for you isn’t it?
  23. So you’re saying cops only deal with mental illness situations when there’s a shooting? You can’t believe that. Well….. sorry YOU can
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