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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. That you can’t prove it or because Starocci is better?
  2. Seems there are folks on here that beg to differ. I could be wrong though.
  3. You’d have a pretty lonely new forum huh?
  4. Credit to Illinois at the lower weights. I had Minnesota winning all but one match and they secured four.
  5. I didn’t see the match but since it was an escape wouldn’t that mean Movari had control and Cardani has to totally escape his control? Looking at that photo and the ref with the one point up doesn’t look like he’s totally separated. Again I haven’t had a chance to watch it live yet.
  6. Like it is with most every successful coach in every sport that doesn’t win it all. It’s disgruntled fans. Big deal. Now if you can show me that all those comments are from boosters and former Iowa wrestlers I’d certainly give some weight. I’d be interested to know what a Dan Gable thinks.
  7. Then why would I check it out like you asked everyone to do?
  8. I’d be interested to know what peoples thoughts were on Bill Maher’s show last night. I thought his pre panel guest was outstanding and later in the show he spent time talking about what other countries are like compared to America. Said we need to be focused on and regularly talking about the progress this country has made and not how shitty everything is. It was also pretty clear that Bob Costas can’t stand Trump but is 100% sure Biden needs to step down as he’s too incompetent to beat him. When Costas suggested Newsome The other guest (a California resident) went off on how he looks good and shiny but has destroyed California. I disagree with Bill more than I agree with him thought he had some good guests and points last night. Curious what others thought.
  9. You’re some kind of “a hole” for sure. Pay your debts
  10. 125 could win it this year
  11. That proves what?
  12. Again - competent vs nice. Are you paying attention?
  13. Learn the difference between competent and good. My grandpa was a good guy. Couldn’t feed himself but he smiled a lot.
  14. And you should learn the difference between competent and incompetent. Biden can barely walk
  15. No thx. Not a fan of how he Carries himself. Btw he’s a bronze medalist right? Not gold.
  16. You’re the only one obsessed with Gilman.
  17. If it wasn’t for Bidens support system he’d be even worse off. They tell him what to say, when to sit and stand and teach him how to walk. (Like you’re using a walker but don’t really have one). With all that he still doesn’t know what day of the week it is.
  18. I’m not a Putin admirer sooooooooo. If you watch the recent interview with Putin and then watch what little the Biden administration will let him speak it’s pretty easy to tell which one is more competent. It’s not Biden.
  19. Well. A fact is a fact sooooooo. It wasn’t Gillian they showed. Maybe it’s Gilman you’re following on twitter and not Eierman
  20. Bhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah. Joffrey sounds mad.
  21. And yet he’s more competent than our current President. And it’s not close.
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