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billyhoyle last won the day on August 6 2023

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  1. Yeah, it's like the Flu vaccine. You can still get covid or the flu after gettin either vaccine, but it is protective against some strains and makes homologous strains less severe. Who makes money from the Flu vaccine? Is that a conspiracy too? Nobody cares whether you get a flu or covid shot anymore now that everyone has partial immunity-it's just a matter of personal choice. In a military setting (or medical setting), both or either will sometimes be enforced.
  2. The amount of information they get on people with tiktok is orders of magnitude larger than any type of hack on a federal database. They also have the power to influence people to support pro CCP policies by controlling what's shown on Tiktok.
  3. Come on..Would you rather have a wrestling team or pay this QB they got from Duke?
  4. Notre Dame took the endowment from their wrestling team and redirected it to football. So if anything, the wrestling team is working against Ohio State here.
  5. The Covid vaccine works as well. It generates immunity against the antigens that the mRNA encodes. It's just at this point everyone with functioning immune system has partial immunity through prior vaccination or prior infection. So all the covid vaccine updates do is prevent the equivalent of the flu/a cold. It's like the flu vaccine, which is good if you don't want to get the flu, but really only needed for the elderly..And only protects against some strains.
  6. Tiktok wasn't even going to be banned. The law was going to force its sale so that the Chinese don't have access to the data of everyone in the country. Think about how many Americans are immediately compromised because of this. The CCP knew that Trump wasn't going to enforce the law, so they had no reason to sell.
  7. Nope. All a vaccine does is generate antibodies/immune cells that are specific for the antigen that is part of the drug. The efficacy of the vaccine is completely separate from whether it is or is not a vaccine. There are cancer vaccines in development to create antibodies against tumors, although they don't seem to be sufficient to clear the tumors. The issue with the Covid vaccine was the rate at which Covid evolved. So the initial vaccine was for specific antigen sequences, but Covid eventually evolved to render the vaccines less effective. It's the same reason we can't just create an HIV vaccine. With that said, the reason Covid was a dangerous disease is that it was a completely novel virus. So the vaccines offered a level of partial protection even against the evolved virus variants that limited serious disease. If we were to get into a military conflict and a new variant of Covid emerges that is going to cause a widespread flu-like outbreak, it would be in the best interest of the military to quickly deploy a new vaccine update that targets the new variant. That's why mRNA vaccine research was initially funded by DARPA.
  8. Seems like nobody cares about crimes committed against federal law enforcement on either side.
  9. Only for federal crimes committed prior to the issue of the pardon. Could still be tried by the states for past crimes or feds for future crimes.
  10. The thing with a religious exemption is you can't be selective about which vaccines you take. You need to oppose them all and practice something like Scientology that opposes all pharmaceuticals. The Covid vaccine went through a clinical trial, so obviously the government was going to vaccinate the military. Remember that entire Naval ship that was pretty much taken out of service by covid before the vaccine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_on_USS_Theodore_Roosevelt#:~:text=The severe acute respiratory syndrome,ship was ordered to Guam.)?
  11. Completely correct. At the very least, if a pardon is issued, it needs to come with the specific crimes that it covers (the actual statutes in federal law should be cited) and an admission of guilt by the person who accepts the pardon.
  12. And Hendricks was stuck!
  13. I think the most popular conspiracy theories are: 1. JFK assassination had another shooter/was orchestrated by FBI/CIA. 2. 9/11 was an inside job/not the result of hijacked airplanes. 3. UFOs are aliens visiting the planet and covered up by the U.S. government. 4. Covid was "planned" by US Government/Trump/Fauci/Biden to control population/get them vaccinated (or the result of a Chinese bioweapon attack) and covered up by U.S. 5. Lots of anti semitic BS surrounding the media/hollywood/holocaust (A big part of the 9/11 conspiracy theory is anti semitic as well). 6. Sandy Hook/Marjorie Stoneman Douglass/Las Vegas shooting/every other school shooting were all inside jobs with crisis actors to take away guns. 7. Moon landing/flat earth, but nobody really cares about this one anymore. 8. Every natural disaster is a conspiracy so FEMA can do something (you see something like this after every natural disaster). People believe this crap because the average person in this country is extremely stupid.
  14. So you asked us to list, "top siblings that competed and had notable college careers, but wrestled for different schools," and you don't like the Schultz/Deans answer, who were both pairs of siblings with notable careers and wrestled for different schools. But cousins you do think counts.
  15. I do not believe they were brothers.
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