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billyhoyle last won the day on August 6 2023

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  1. Not me. Not sure why you thought one of the best wrestlers of our time who was coached by the greatest coach of all time wouldn't be a great coach as well. Gilman is a pretty good coach as well.
  2. Wait until you find out that there is an entire section of this forum entirely dedicated to discussing high school boys wrestling, and outlets like flowrestling cover high school boys wrestling.
  3. Anybody hitting crazy cartwheels to avoid takedowns during matches? History says that's a giveaway too.
  4. Lol. So now you are going to root against Hendrickson despite how awesome a story his win is because the media likes him?
  5. It's stupid to throw an accusation at an individual wrestler unless it is a Brock Lesnar type situation. Somebody we don't suspect at all could be on PEDs. Who thought Obe Blanc was doping before he was caught? Who thought Daton Fix was? The real question is whether there is actually any real drug testing for NCAA athletics? There is more incentive than ever to cheat with NIL. Don't teams test their athletes?
  6. I'm going to throw one out there and feel free to crap on it. The O.K. Corraller
  7. Yeah, that's why I started the thread. He deserves a better nickname than that.
  8. Messenbrink only had 3 matches total that weren't bonus point wins. 2 of those three were against #2 guy, who he had teched earlier in the year. Hendrickson had a great season too with many pins, but we have always seen heavyweights be more likely to win by pin, especially against weaker competitors. Like I said, I think it should be Starocci because of the 5 NCAA titles. I simply said MM had a more dominant season than Hendrickson, who also had an extremely impressive season.
  9. I don't get it? Edit: just looked it up. Yeah, that would be good.
  10. Both of these are better than Captain America, although top gun is about Navy Pilots. Still good though.
  11. Why didn't they just start it earlier? Trump attending was good because it brought more eyeballs on the sport.
  12. This guy just had the biggest upset ever (or at least since Dan Gable). His name is Wyatt. He wrestles for the Oklahoma State Cowboys. And the best nickname that we as a sport can think of for him is rehashing Captain America, which was a pretty unoriginal nickname when it was used for Kyle Snyder. Can't we think of some "Wyatt" related cowboy nickname? If we want to make it something more patriotic, how about something creative involving airplanes or the Air Force? Or anything other than the same boring Marvel superhero? Anyone else miss the days of nicknames like the East Lansing Strangler, Funky, Kid Dynamite, King Cole, or The Great Pumpkin?
  13. Yes, assuming he had eligibility and same age compared to the guy he met in the finals, although still older than you should be for the level.
  14. The equivalent would be if Bo Nickal decided to go back and compete in high school wrestling to win one more Texas state title because he got a good NIL deal to do so.
  15. Not even close to the same comparison. Bo Nickal probably would still not have made a world/olympic team if he stuck with wrestling-he didn't have much of an option to stay. Also, this is the equivalent of if he had another year of college eligibility and decided to compete in NCAAs, not internationally (but still it's not even the same comparison because Gable won at a level above NCAAs).
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