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wrestle87 last won the day on April 26 2024

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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. ….That’s not what I said, for either option here. This is the definition of reading what you want to see, not what’s actually been written. I think if he wrestles, he has a high chance of winning. I also think there is a much greater than zero chance he doesn’t wrestle. ”Meh, word milkshake says 4th now.” No…that’s not what I said.
  2. Rutgers won all five matches in the second half and took the dual.
  3. This is precisely the sort of energy that keeps me coming back to this board. bravo bravo, very well played.
  4. Turley with just that little bit of Andonian blood in him.
  5. Rutgers is putting on the most deflated performance that they have all year right now. They're at home, and just getting embarrassed by Penn through 5 matches. Penn has taken 4 out of the first 5.
  6. I think he's just as likely to win NCAA's as he is to not even compete in the conference qualifiers.
  7. Hendrickson if he taps into some sort of Arujau-level god mode. It's a 5% chance at best, but he's got the best chance in the field. Kirk doesn't have the variability in performance to bring that level of upside to his performance.
  8. Came here looking for this. Was this just a sideways way of approaching the concept of “who had the coolest pin”? Ramos and Rohn take the cake on that front, followed by kyle dake winning the olympic spot in 2021.
  9. Adding onto that, what's happening with the Larkin brothers? They're both super funky (no surprise obviously), and the younger is a hell of a videographer as well.
  10. I just did a speed run of the ASU/Oklahoma match. Good lord, ASU is a shell of it's former self. It is really starting to feel like the whole program is going down the drain. Just dead in the water, no momentum, and it feels like something bigger than a head coaching issue. How long do we think before we find Zeke heading up a program with more institutional support? He's never been one to stick around a stagnant or unsupportive institution. And now that his only athlete of any real reputation has jumped ship, it feels like it's time for some turnover.
  11. He is amazing. There is no doubt that he is an absolute pioneer in the headspace portion of competing effectively.
  12. Because Nelson had been working on that arm spin all year, and needed to air it out one last time. Kennedy is going to get the start. He's been THE dude for years. This is silly.
  13. Amazingly, this wasn't the only -1 score of the day either! I missed it, but something happened in the Princeton Penn match such that Princeton was dragging around a -1 score midway through the dual.
  14. This is a fair point, though I would contend that, for who he was, how he was wrestling overall at that time, and his other big stage successes leading up to that point in his career, he had a slow start. I still think it is about 9 months early to sound the alarm for sealey. He could be a bench guy, because obviously for every starter at penn state there are 2 or 3 other guys who are very good but they can't even make the starting lineup.
  15. 100%. This is a move that was made popular in an mma setting because it was such a wild adaptation to falling off the back with legs in. But it is a brutal move. The only reason that ref isn't being torn a new one and this isn't a new rule in officiating is because Orine has an immaculate mobility and flexibility program. Him not being on the ground with a hamstring torn off the bone was one of the most impressive things I've seen this year.
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