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wrestle87 last won the day on April 26 2024

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  1. I legitimately think he has CTE issues. Spear double was his #1 move in high school, and he used it with success against BIG boys. I'm sure he's dabbled in MMA over the years as well. He's slurring a not insignificant amount in this video even compared to his interviews immediately following his win in the national finals however many years ago. Just, yikes bro, hope he is taking care of his noggin.
  2. If this is what happens to the best wrestler in the world and in the nation’s history, I think that really tells us how much (lack) of a choice the national team wrestlers had in whether or not they could attend those military displays over the past few years. ”You will show up, or you will encounter a situation where you need wings, but don’t have them”
  3. “Praise be to Jesus” is going to be a really popular phrase in the coming decade, you heard it here first. #1 all jesus team is cael. He’s the great helmsman who introduced the modern age of the best wrestlers to the positive impacts of religion on sports-psychology. Tom Ryan also doesn’t get enough credit for being an early mover in the golden age of wrestling bible belt, which in my opinion just ended recently.
  4. Reading comprehension is weak with this one. ”I use emotionally loud syntax to completely dismiss and distract from nuanced discussion that has been put forth!”
  5. That’s my mistake for not clarifying sufficiently, I was referring to his performances at the big annual tournament, be it worlds or olympics. If your position is he’s always been good but is a guy that takes losses, then the vocabulary has to change but the meaning stays the same. NLWC isn’t doing as good a job at this as the Ohio State crew at prepping and peaking snyder for the big annual competitions.
  6. No that's definitely not the case. I’m one of the biggest PSU homers on here. They make most guys better. They’ve made snyder worse.
  7. I couldn’t disagree more about the talent level at 97kg. There’s been one guy, snyder, and then everybody else his whole career. He beat that one guy early in his career, then he lost to that one guy but nobody else, now he loses to a lot of the field, and it’s because he doesn’t have a meaningful gameplan or techniques that he feels confident in. He hasn’t wrestled with real confidence in a long time. He 100% had what it takes to beat tazhudinov at the olympics, but he panicked and just started throwing stuff at a wall and walked into a chest wrap. I state this not to bag on the snyderman, it takes the right team to help anyone prepare for that level. I don’t think NLWC is the right team for him to maximize his wrestling ability, because since he moved he’s been leaving 10-20% on the table with the strategy and style changes they have fed him.
  8. Snyderman has only gotten worse since moving to Penn State. He is one of the few athletes to ever have that happen, obviously he is very good still, but he is 100% the wrong build for the style that they teach in that room. Dude is a fire plug, that's not exactly a build is great at getting to anklepicks. Sorry to say it, but he was at his best with Tervel. I'm sure NLWC takes care of him very well, as they should, but NLWC in my opinion has put a lid on his ability. NLWC are absolute garbage on the mat and garbage at freestyle-focused transitions and turns. No belly whizzer, no crotch lift, nobody since frank molinaro has had a dirty head pinch, they just play the takedown game and assume their overall wrestling ability will be enough which, usually it is. This approach really removes a lot from guys like snyder, since what they preach doesn't work when you are a human wario.
  9. I’m willing to give Bo exactly 50% of the credit. I wouldn’t put it past DT to do exactly what Bo is salty at him about. But, then ultimately that’s on Bo. He just wasn’t good enough to beat Taylor. That’s the part that’s petty. “Wah me no like…” Ok, how about you win your match… However, I’d bet many significant fortunes that Bo did a lot to make sure Aaron Brooks was ready to rumble this year to take the spot from Taylor. Also, broadly speaking, anybody working to earn the good graces of Dana White is going to have to be skilled at a pretty gross game.
  10. Starting to sound like he spoke out against a topic his medals could no longer shield him from. Brave man, absolutely the best to ever do it. Remember watching him in 2003, couldn’t believe what he did to whoever his opponent was. Dude didn’t stand half a chance.
  11. [gasp!] Are you suggesting that wrestling success comes from having a long term established culture of wrestling, coaches who know how to build and maintain a team while also bettering their individual athletes, and a broader community that cares about, invests in and supports that effort?! The gall of you to suggest such a thing!
  12. I have gotten way too invested in advocating for certain positions, especially for athletes I think are getting a raw deal or are being done dirty by their coaches or their school. I also miss sarcasm in posts or interpret it incorrectly, which is kind of a prerequisite skill to have when interacting on a message board with any level of deftness or nuance.
  13. This one's tough because Cornell was really good with the Grey Koll combo. Koll is great at the upward management, Grey clearly runs a good room. Them being separated has really diluted their success. Grey is still the one who holds down the NJ pipeline, and between the two of them is clearly the technique wizard. Koll going program-hopping in recent years doesn't really improve my estimation of his coaching ability.
  14. That's amazing news that he was allowed to wrestle tonight. Having anything other than competition be the reason for the end of any portion of a career just sucks.
  15. The fact that he came back and got wins is amazing. It's cliche to say "truly inspirational", but it really really is that he was able to accomplish that.
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