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Hillbilly Jim

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Everything posted by Hillbilly Jim

  1. 8 matches to 2 for OSU. I will give Belton 1 win for Sooners. 2 tossup matches at 149 and 197 so I figure a split. The rest is all Cowboys.
  2. Same issue but Safari not Chrome....
  3. And what about Block? 141 is a no-go?
  4. I guess you don’t think Parco is gonna be the 149???
  5. So schools are gonna cut ties with their equipment/apparel providers because a recruit eliminated them from his list? You can't be serious with that take. smh I guess I have to ask--why do you consider narrowing down his wish list to be disrespecting teams? It goes both ways you know--coaches way more heartless, even cruel if you ask me, to the wrestlers. It ain't high school,,,it's D1 wrestling and everyone involved pretty much knows it's ruthless. I mean RUTHLESS. I don't think schools are so thin-skinned that they are feeling disrespected by getting crossed off some kids list on social media. My guess--they will get over it
  6. I agree with everything you said.
  7. He was enormous at 141. He probably is 149 this year, but if Jesse is there--he will probably look to 157 and he has the size to do it. He was just 70 kg for U23. And he was still very lean and big I thought. But I think Jesse stays down at 141.
  8. Cannon.
  9. Maybe true for most—but honestly I really don’t want to see them in action. I am bored of the media-hungry “heels” that just develop their shtick for attention, clicks and in many cases money. Whether it’s Jake Paul or Brian Bosworth or whoever, it’s a tired and unoriginal act. And I hate seeing the sport get used for that type of exposure and narcissism all in the name of individual fame and capitalism. It is going to take us down the road of MMA and boxing. Corrupted sports that use up the majority of its participants in a bad way. This new NCAA Settlement is already potentially gonna push things farther that direction. And we won’t be left with a sport featuring great student athletes that go on a contribute great things to society. We will be watching a handful of kids trying to week out a few bucks in a micro-sport while the rest of the world passes them by.
  10. I hope he does come to the Big Ten. My money will be on Starocci.
  11. Pretty sure that is the plan for Echemendia. Maybe a cyclone fan on this board can opine. Lachlan McNeil is moving up too. As far as Alirez—he made a post after the Mendez thing that was vague but made it sound like he would get his revenge when it counts…so maybe he stays at 141???
  12. There is crazy parity and depth at 149 next year. Whalen is very good and should be a contender for AA—and at 149 that means you have a shot to win it. He is very big for 149 though so weight management will be an issue. I remember him in the finals at Fargo in high school and watched him win at Midlands this past season. If I was guessing he is lower tier AA threat or R12 guy—but at this crazy weight I am not surprised if he beats anyone.
  13. NW makes sense at 133 for Cannon. NW really needs help there. They should have Talshahar and Vandevere back from injury at 141. I hope Amine can come back strong—very tough dude—but he looked cooked in the matches I watched him last year. Wrestling hasn’t been too kind to these older dudes trying to squeeze out another year—his heart better be in it all the way.
  14. This didn’t age well….
  15. Reading is a skill—apparently I am lacking today
  16. Gibson redshirts.
  17. No Cetta?
  18. Surely you jest troll. Admittedly I do root against Penn State as the evil empire—but what are you talking about saying Several Penn State immortals fell? David Taylor fell to another from NLWC in Brooks in the finals. Nolf fell to fellow NLWC teammate Dake in the finals—and he beat freakin Jordan Burrroughs to get there. Nick Lee fell to fellow NLWC teammate in the finals. NLWC member Snyder dominated. The only Penn State immortal that fell to someone outside of Happy Valley was Gilman (some guy named Spencer Lee). They were about as dominant as you can be. I mean three of the six finals had BOTH guys in the finals. If you are a recruit and have aspirations of being an NCAA champ and an Olympian—I can think of NO BETTER recruiting advertisement than what went on this weekend. It scares me actually.
  19. Rini is from Ohio, no?
  20. I don't think Cannon will ever see 141 again....and I also seriously question the notion of Jesse agreeing to sit for a year.
  21. You are upset because a college kid didn't live up to your personal expectations and win enough wrestling matches, so you decide to publicly smear him? That's pretty small of you. Kids post what they are doing with their careers for lots of people that follow them--not just the OU faithful. Friends, peers, family, etc. People that actually care about the kid--not just his record. Major D1 wrestling is hard and you think he should be ashamed or something--so much so that he not even post about leaving? So petty of you. I thought his message was classy and showed gratitude for the opportunity. Give Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" a quick read will ya?
  22. Agreed…
  23. I think a Thompson redshirt is the play. I don't know if he will grow into 184 though--but it doesn't matter with Hamiti being a senior. Thompson can redshirt a year and then see what weight he fits at.
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