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NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. 1. Do you legitimately think Richard Figueroa has ever been stalled out of a match? Serious question. 2. The guy won a national championship last year. I don't think his style is giving himself any "problems".
  2. 10's-16's I like to make a run: 125: #11 Nicolar Rivera, #14 Spencer Moore 133: #11 Evan Frost 141: #11 Dylan Cedeno, #12 Sam Latona 149: #11 Sammy Alvarez 157: #12 Caleb Fish, #16 Cody Chittum 165: #10 Andrew Sparks, #12 Christopher Minto 174: #13 Cade DeVos 184: #11 Gabe Arnold, #12 Silas Allred 197: #12 Stephen Little 285: #10 Dayton Pitzer, #11 Jimmy Mullen, #12 Nick Feldman, #15 Trevor Tinker
  3. I saw Figs gets to the legs once (off his own offense) and finish. I saw Ayala get to the legs once (off his own offense) and not finish. I saw Ayala try to hit countless slide-by's (one of which Figs counter scored and another he almost counter scored). Seems like Figs knew Ayala would go to that slide-by multiple times, and he waited for it and capitalized. I also saw Ayala drop to his knee multiple times. Which, I could argue until I'm blue in the face that that's a stall tactic in and of itself.
  4. I saw CNN and that was all I needed to see. Lmao
  5. Trust me, I understand clearly. The 43.7% that graduate in 4 years, carries over and makes up the majority of the 58.7% that graduates in 5 years (with 15% additional percent). But he tried to play that off as the majority of students graduate in 5 years. That's not true. Only 15% needed the extra year.
  6. Are you delusional? When I say that college students are different than regular students, I meant that they are held to a higher standard, WHICH THEY SHOULD BE. If it's too much for you, then be a regular student. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you want to be a college athlete, here's your expectations. Your life WILL BE HARDER and it should be.
  7. Because they chose to be different than regular students. I didn't read the rest of your post because I didn't need to.
  8. *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me* you're right. That slipped by me. 43.7% + 58.7% + 60.4% = 162.8% of college students. Lmao
  9. Skewed by regular students that don't have an eligibility time clock. If you know you have 4 years of eligibility, you get your degree quicker. I don't think that's a difficult concept to grasp. I did not have one teammate in college that struggled to get their degree in 4 years. Everyone that got their degree in 5, did so because they redshirted and knew they had an extra year to play with.
  10. Lmao. I'm not sure about this.
  11. Is he in or out? @Husker_Du
  12. Lol. No it isn't.
  13. 125: Brendan McCrone (tOSU) 133: Jacob Van Dee (NEB) 141: Julian Tagg (SDSU) 149: Teague Travis (OKST) 157: Cobe Siebrecht (SDSU) 165: Gunner Filipowicz (ARMY) 174: Dan Braunagel (ILL) 184: Ryder Rogotzke (tOSU) 197: Andy Smith (VT) 285: Daniel Herrera (ISU)
  14. Yes. The subtle difference is that one of Starocci's 5 was 2021. Not the case for Brennan.
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