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  1. Kasak doesn’t appear to have ever missed a leg day weight training since about 12 years old
  2. I almost feel bad a little bit bad for Ferrari due to his intelligence level. I don’t think he truly knows or understands how dumb he comes across.
  3. Messinbrink vs Caliendo reminds me of Zane and Sorensen back in the day. 1 out of 10 matches Caliendo gives Messenbrink a match, like Sorensen did with Zane.
  4. Looks like someone read my post over on Bucknuts and asked ChatGPT to reword it’s summary in order to repost it as your own over on Intermat lol. Like not only is it the same exact content, subject matter, and examples… but it’s in the same exact order I used as well lol. What a coincidence.
  5. If Carter doesn’t win #5 then his teammate Messenbrink will be a virtual lock if he ends comtinues this pace. If he ends up around 30-0 with 28 tech falls and 2 wins by forfeit…. You know, the pace he’s currently on.. there would be no more dominant season similar ever before, right? Scoring 25 points at Nationals will help solidify it for him now too. He just tech’d #2 Caliendo I believe for the second time in a row, the first time dating back to last year correct me if I’m wrong. Edit: Messenbrink did tech Caliendo last year too, but just majored him 17-9 in their last matchup of last season. Messenbrink now has 40 college wins with just 1 loss last 2 seasons, 40-1. Broken down he has: Pins: 6 Tech Falls: 22 Decisions: 8 Forfeit Wins: 3 Inj Default Wins: 1 1 Loss in National title match.
  6. If Carter doesn’t win #5 then his teammate Messenbrink will be a virtual lock if he ends up around 30-0 with 28tech falls and 2 wins by forfeit…. You know, the pace he’s currently on? Scoring 25 points at Nationals will help solidify it for him now too. He just tech’s #2 Caliendo I believe for the second time in a row, the first time dating back to last year correct me if I’m wrong.
  7. Unreal that this ‘could’ be a shutout with how talented Iowa’s lineup is.
  8. Tigers were known to readily defeat lions back in the Roman Coliseum days. Tigers are bigger and longer than Lions, and are more adept to fighting one on one where as the Lion relies on his pride to fight for them typically.
  9. MMA people can’t stand Nickal because he was still with the Ultimate Fighter without a contract yet and was saying no one in his division could beat him already in MMA. He also kept saying no one in the world could wrestle him at 86 kilos and he could never beat a guy in his own country and same school as him (Taylor) to make a World team, let alone he has never won a world title. He’s had double digit losses on the Men’s freestyle circuit but he’s proclaiming to be as dominant as Sadulaev. If he would just humble himself a little bit I think his fan base would grow exponentially. He’s treating MMA like it’s the WWE in promoting himself.
  10. Not with those longs arms…. Heck no.
  11. Yeah and he also played against 6’4 centers who were science teachers and plumbers.
  12. Imagine that Iowa lineup if Ferrari and Gable rounded out the last 2 weights.
  13. If anyone were able to lure these two together sold on a package deal (besides Penn State) then a sales pitch centering on these two being legends as the catalyst to ending Penn State’s reign, instead of doing a Kevin Garnett when he signed with the Warriors. And there’s a lot of truth in that sales pitch, no matter which school they choose. There is a 50-60 point start between these the r linyear they step on campus and both will be multi national champs. Say a school like Ohio State shocks the world again and signs this other monster class and lands both Bassett and Forrest. You add those two to Feldman and Rocco who would then be seniors, and after landing Davino they have a high chance of landing Marcus Blaze the year between Davino and these two super soph’s….. right there you have a Penn State ish 5 stars in your lineup. It’s a cool sales pitch to come and do something new and ending arguably the bidder dynasty now in the history of college wrestling. I mean yea that’s a lot of ifs…but Bassett and Forrest HAVE TO discuss this type of stuff in the amount of time they spend together. And while we are greedy don’t stop there… make sure to finish things off it’s a Bishop McCort trifecta with freshman star Melvin Miller comes along too, whose nationally ranked already himself by Flo as just a freshman at a middle weight.
  14. Did you really just use AI to write those two stories!??
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