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Lleynor last won the day on May 20 2024

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. I don’t know if I believe that Brands is #2. Iowa, the name, draws in recruits. Most of the recent top-level success on the mat, minus Lee, is from transfers. I just don’t see the development there.
  2. I feel like Plott was about to get swiped in OT, and then they called them back to their feet. Why stand them up right then?
  3. Kinda surprised not OkState. The way they got mashed by PSU makes this look even more about money.
  4. Yes, a Freestyle Medalist. All of these other guys were winning in dominant fashion, and definitely not losing, at this point in their career. That’s why I have Stieber losing to True Freshman Retherford as a significant loss in his RS Jr year.
  5. I can get behind this one. Brooks winning 197 being undersized is an accomplishment to me as well to consider. His loss to the Michigan Guy I'm blanking on hurts him, since it was in an era where he should’ve still dominated. Star, 5th or not, is definitely last on my list. Slightly weaker defense than Dake, but zero offense. He should be mauling people in his 6th (7th?) year.
  6. How are any of you putting Stieber at 3?!?! He got pinned by Ramos, taken down in the finals and handed a Natty, lost to a True Freshman as a RS Jr( who I have ranked higher collegiately than Stieber). Stieber is without a doubt on the bottom of my list. With that said, what an amazing list to be the bottom on. And 159-0 will always be #1. Not only did he never lose, he never almost loss either. He controlled every match.
  7. No chance he isn’t currently atop the list. He literally just teched a very, very good wrestler.
  8. Steveson’s domination just doesn’t get me pumped really. Him getting a Redshirt while in the WWE is garbage.
  9. This match got many people into watching wrestling. Never give up.
  10. When Dake jumped to 165, even the Cornell faithful didn’t think he’d hang with DT. Not saying Haines and O’Toole are at that level, but you sometimes just don’t know until you see it on the mat. It is easy to say Haines, since what he did in Free. However, O’Toole is a better Folk than Free wrestler. I know I want to see it, no matter what!
  11. Will this be televised?
  12. No matter what Gable does, I just can’t consider him. He’s not a typical Senior. He’s 7 years removed from being a Senior? He’s not a 5th year Senior. He’s a 7th year Man. Nickal bumping to 197 and still having the same level of dominance says a lot to me. In my book, he’s it of lately.
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