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Posts posted by Dogbone

  1. 2 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    It would be really ***ducking** awkward for Zahid to do that being as he isn't even #3 on the ladder.

    Directly from USA Wrestling:


    No it wouldn't.  If you think you have a 1% chance of being the  in Olympics, you take it.  Nothing awkward about it.  

    I don' think he has a losing case because he didn't wrestle the true 3rd.    Of course, I could be wrong but there would be nothing ducking awkward about it. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Truzzcat said:

    Mineo said on twitter that DT was never made aware of this situation (no idea how he knows that). If that is the case it makes you wonder how DT is currently feeling about PSU. Coming off the loss I'm sure it was a bag of mixed emotions given he lost to a teammate so this may add a little more salt to the wound.

    This doesn't seem that big a deal to me.  All Cael needs to say is I didn't want you to know so that you weren't distracted and approached the matches like you had to win it.    - Also could be what actually happened. 

    I don't know why not knowing would upset DT that would sour him on PSU. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, scourge165 said:

    Yeah...he lost and then still got the spot on a technicality. 

    I think that would impact how people view THIS particular cycle. 

    I would bet Zahid files a lawsuit to get a challenge match with DT if Brooks is ineligible.   We have seen guys make legal challenges before and Zahid was an inadvertent singlet pull away from beating Brooks in State College.  It seems like he would have a good case. 

    • Bob 1
  4. 1 minute ago, pokemonster said:

    Wait wait wait, where is this coming from?

    Minnow is spreading a rumor that Brooks was popped for Adrenal at U23 last year, making him ineligible for the Olympics and that USA wrestling was aware but didn't disclose it to anyone as they think they can win an appeal, but if not DT will get the spot despite not winning a match at the trials.   

  5. Why are you assuming PSU will hire a first time coach as the next head coach after Cael?  If DT, or anyone mentioned, is running a successful program when Cael retires, they can still be hired away by PSU. 

    DT, Dake (??), Nolf, Zain, should all get into coaching if that is what they want to do.  If they are good enough they will get an opportunity to be the coach to succeed Cael. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    A badger fan gave several examples on another thread.  I did not try very hard to look through the old threads.

    Thanks. I must of missed it.  No need to dig it up, I will take your word. 

    • Bob 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    Wisconsin extends coaches and releases them all the time.  

    In non revenue sports?   Honest question as I could see it happening in basketball and football but I don't follow Wisconsin's non revenue sports enough to know.

  8. 22 hours ago, BAC said:

    Turkey would not be allowed to host if they did not provide baseline security assurances to all countries. This is Israel using its citizens as political pawns. 

    What does baseline security mean?  So Israel doesn't think their athletes will be safe and need more than baseline security. 

    Even if they have been guaranteed maximum military safety and it is politically motivated, it is the not the first nor will it be the last time international politics impact sports. 

    Yes, it sucks for the athletes.  

  9. 4 hours ago, scourge165 said:

    Yeah, you're just full of shit and I don't understand what you're driving at here.

    Good for you to keep trying, but he obviously doesn't know or want to know what he is talking about.  It's a lost cause. 

    This all started because the conversation was about Gable investing his money.  He signed his WWE deal in Sept. 2021.  The S&P on 10/1/21 was $4,357 and it currently $5,516 or up about 18%. 

    You have to try and be ignorant to claim Gable couldn't be well on his way to getting 7-8% return to retire. Most likely he just wanted to point out that inflation is currently higher than it has been historically (maybe politically motivated) and now is double/tripling down on poor investing statements instead of admitting the original claim Dark Energy was very responsible and probably conservative.

    • Brain 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, Le duke said:

    The KOT who lost to David Carr gets wrecked by a healthy Starocci at 174.


    Wrecked?? Ha. I guess if you only watch PSU wrestle you might not know David Carr is really good at wrestling (I'm joking, I know you know your stuff)

    David Carr is a 2x NC who would be a 3xer if KOT wasn't in his weight; KOT is a 2x NC who would be 3xer (by now) if Carr wasn't in his weight.

    Carr or KOT would be the best wrestler Starocci has faced in college and he doesn't wreck the top guys.  It's likely a close match that comes down to a scramble or 1 exchange. 

  11. No group think here... Everyone has independently thought a wrestling room is terrible if it doesn't have natural light and the same facility would be better if it had windows.  Always the number one thing you hear when talking about a facility, "whats the window situation"  

    Thank goodness Cael, JB, John Smith, etc.  all lifted and trained in naturally lit buildings that led to their gold medals success....


    • Brain 3
  12. 1 hour ago, nhs67 said:

    He will win whatever weight he chooses.

    I am not convinced he wins 174 if KOT goes up.  He wins 184 but it would be nice to see him and PK.   Both finalist leave 197 and its probably the easiest of the 3 weights. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, 1032004 said:

    To be fair he did call “Iowa trying to get Alirez into the portal” and then he went in the portal, so seems like there’s probably some truth here.

    But I’m not sure why almost all of the alleged offers that get leaked are from Iowa.  Must be a mole at the HWC…

    Well, Minneo didn't mention the $500K until after Willie said he was going in.   It's not like Mineo to sit on anything so I would guess he is just making stuff up.   I'm sure Iowa will offer a strong NIL offer but I doubt Mineo actually has a clue what it is. 

  14. Women's wrestling should take the lead and become a 1 semester season.   Start in January and end in April with the championships set away from the Men's wrestling and BB tourneys.  If it gains traction it could lead to Men Wrestling following.

    • Bob 1
    • Fire 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, nhs67 said:

    Drake Maye just got drafted 3rd after doing jack shit his entire college career.

    The draft should be based off of MFS and MGR potential and not their past results.

    Also, Plott has another year left.

    Also, also, it is Davison (there is only one D in his name and it is at the beginning of it).

    Fair points.   

  16. 10 minutes ago, Lunaticfringe said:

    Mekhi Lewis really gets rated way too high. He often wins by a point or two over average guys. He won a title years ago pre injury and pre Covid but isn’t that guy anymore

    Who would you put above him?  He was the lowest NCAA champ. Fix never won it and also wrestles closes matches.  Woods didn't look as good this year as the year before.  I was closer to putting Plott at 10 above Davidson so I can't see moving him up.    Of course its subjective but curious who you would have higher. 

  17. In honor of the NFL draft, what would be the "draft order" for the outgoing seniors in college? I'll start:

    1. A. Brooks

    2. V. Arujau  

    3. D. Carr

    4. A. Gomez

    5. T. Hidlay

    6. S. Griffith

    7. M. Lewis

    8. D. Fix

    9. R. Woods

    10. L. Davidson

  18. 4 hours ago, JimmyCinnabon said:

    If you bothered to read my posts on this site you'd understand that I post in earnest and am not a troll. 

    Not bothered, just pointing out a lack of self awareness of an account dedicated to trolling another poster calling trolls stupid.   You do you.

  19. 8 minutes ago, Winners Circle said:

    This past season Parco had wins over:

    • Ridge Lovett (2x); who was heavy favorite to win it all season
    • Abas; 2021 AA
    • Swiderski; 2024 AA
    • D'Emilio (major dec.); 2023 AA

    This past season Williams had wins over:

    • Swiderski; 2024 AA

    So to say Parco can't win a title, meaning there's no chance, next year is crazy. And to say Willams will make a jump big enough to pass Parco also seems crazy. Could it happen, yes absolutely. But it seems like wishful thinking more than anything.

    I think he meant, Parco won't win Okie St. the team title this year, but your points are valid.    And for someone to not take Parco because they can't make up 100+ team points is also shortsighted.  You have to start somewhere.  Get 2nd if you can, narrow the gap, then try and beat them.  

    Williams may not like it but he would get better with Parco in the room, even if he has to sit a year.

    • Fire 1
  20. 52 minutes ago, JimmyCinnabon said:

    I never give people credit for being a troll. I never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. If people want to act stupid I will gladly believe them.

    What? Your entire account is trolling another poster?   The lack of self awareness is stunning. 

    • Bob 1
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