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  1. It is very risky "buying" a guy for a year that is in his 6th or 7th year of college wrestling......the wear and tear on the body is real......... Iowa has money to burn, and if they could develop them they would be way better off "buying" younger top level prospects off other programs........ Not a fan of NIL or Iowa for that matter, so would hate to see it, but it seems like it will unevitably be the trend........
  2. Sure, stall calling can be frustratingly random but the optics of a guy flat out running right to the edge and beyond without having any contact with the opposing wrestler is terrible.........it WILL get called every time, I've never seen anything like it.........he literally speed walked backwards to the edge and as soon Gable made any move towards engaging he backed out of the circle and a few times waaaaay out of the circle......the time Gable jumped backwards on the edge so Slava couldnt back pedal anymore and force Slava to wrestle was something I hope to never see again in a NCAA match......terrible optics for the sport at it's biggest tournament.....Slava basically forced the ref to stall him out.......if there was a turnbuckle Slava may have started eating it......... All this said I am not a Stevenson fan by any means, but that match was a travesty........were all the Rutgers coaches yelling "Boom" after the match?
  3. You’re deluding yourself….. Slava could have been stalled out earlier, the ref was being kind……
  4. Come on, seriously Slava could have been hit two other times he wasn’t….. he literally jumped out of bounds a couple times and ran out a couple others…… he wasn’t even engaged with Stevenson a couple times just backed out as Stevenson advanced …… i literally have never seen a match that embarrassing, I mean yeah Gable is an absolute monster but to just concede and runaway like that….. crazy….. now that was Rutgers “Boom” wrestling for you lol
  5. If we are being fair Crookham was dealing with injuries at the EIWA's also, but Vito lost ....so ya know he was REALLY injured lol
  6. I am not a fan of the claim that "he got baited into the attack". The fact that he is a 19 year old adult, whether in high school or not, going into the stands to assault a minor (no matter what age the minor is) is not a good thing or a wise decision. Student athletes have been removed from tournaments/athletic eligibility for way more minor issues. We have seen way too many athletes never face consequences for their actions and it becomes a problem as they travel down the road of life. The father obviously never learned that lesson, and by filing and winning an injunction the kid is not learning either. I have no axe to grind in this, not from NJ, and actually am a Cornell fan to some degree. Anthony Knox being allowed to wrestle for his 4th state title is a travesty and should be seen as such, can't understand those who see him as being allowed to wrestle as a "win".
  7. Well there is the "opt in" with 30 wrestler roster limit supposedly coming soon.......will force a lot of wrestlers (and coaches) to make choices.......
  8. Yeah I would say the wrestlestat guess is pretty accurate, Lehigh is committed to red shirting Brignola and Stanich (things change but not looking likely). Also Crookham has been nursing injury, wouldn't be surprised if you don't see much of him till second semester, especially in a dual you have no chance of winning, although I'm sure Lehigh would love to put him out there in front of the big "home" crowd.
  9. Yes, Taylor is out for the year with knee issue. The question is when is he able to wrestle for the Engineers, second semester I would guess?
  10. No Crookham at Journeyman, still working off ding, didn't wrestle last weekend either when most Lehigh guys did....
  11. Not going back 19 pages so if it's been posted sorry: Guess on Lehigh 125 Seymour 133 Crookham 141 Hines (would guess Stanich redshirts for Hines last year) 149 Griffin (hope his neutral game has improved, if it has he's dangerous) 157 Brignola (if Brignola shirts as rumors suggest then could be any of 4 including true freshman)) 165 Dubler (total guess) 174 Rylan Rogers 184 Wilt or Caden Rogers (toss up) 197 Beard 285 Taylor Interesting lineup with question marks in the middle
  12. Yeah unfortunately have to agree, don't like Ferrari but Starocci obviously chose a weight there is no way Ferrari makes........and if he tried to he would be majorly sucked out......liked the whole post till I saw that, then it just seems like Starocci is being as big a blowhard as Ferrari
  13. Gable has a chance to make Bill's practice squad if they see any possibilities, in terms of making active roster zero chance...... Practice squad spot pays nicely ($12,000 a week or around $216,000 for season) although obviously nowhere near the dollars of an active roster player.........Bill's coach McDermott a two time Prep champion (at 174 I believe?) so he will give him every chance to make the practice squad........ https://www.baschamania.com/news/buffalo-bills-head-coach-sean-mcdermott-loves-wrestling-and-credits-much-of-his-success-to-the-sport
  14. So does Cruz wrestle for Bronze today or tomorrow?
  15. Depends, are you flying basically due north or due south?
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