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  1. Nickel will continue to tout wrestling and PSU in part because that's part of his base, and those ties have an impact on his ability to monetize. Nothing wrong with that, but in terms of actual wrestling, who cares what he thinks about Taylor. They aren't equivalent: DT is a world and olympic champ--in actuality, not in theory--actively shaping and the present and future of the sport; BN is former wrestler--a very good one obviously--who is trying to join the influencer game and capitalize on his past. I think Askren and BN is a better comparison, though here, too, one is actively shaping the sport in a way that extends beyond cult of personality.
  2. It already happened: ended in a scoreless tie. Determining criteria involved a written take home exam on the concept of dasein in Heidegger's Being and Time and its relevance to wrestling in the age of NIL. The deadline is this Wednesday, so we should know soon. Use of generative AI strictly prohibited.
  3. A testament to the human spirit. Respect.
  4. I thought Lee had some real nice moments, but I'd like to see him get stronger at closing out matches against guys like RBY. Maybe that's an obvious point, and of course it's easier said than done. Look forward to seeing him tangle with Ono later this month.
  5. I never said fame couldn't be used for good. Maybe PH has matured as a human compared to two decades ago. If so, that's great for her and the people she helps. My point stands, though, that one can seek fame as an end in itself or as a means of influencing others based on a model of what it means to live the 'good life'. One seems healthier and more fulfilling than the other. There's nuance here of course; I just personally think Bassett falls more into the latter category than the former. To me, he's not chasing fame--he's gathering fame as a resource to do other things. There's a difference.
  6. Disagree. At least in the way I see fame. It's like comparing a Paris Hilton with someone like Jocko: both may be famous, but one is seeking fame for its own sake; the other is seeking influence that benefits him, sure, but that also has deeper meaning and significance and is based on a clearly articulated philosophy of living. It's not an either/or proposition.
  7. I think it's misguided to suggest Bassett is chasing 'fame'. A more accurate and perhaps generous view would be to say he's developing his existing platform--which is already substantial--and expanding his reach as an 'influencer'. That he's an influencer for writing in particular is an absolute boon to the sport and a roadmap for other standouts to follow. We know sports like football and basketball get theirs; young people like Bassett are creating a path for wrestling and wrestlers to do the same. He's an asset to all of us.
  8. Backwards take. These schools are getting excellent exposure throughout the process, and in many cases, are probably getting a crash course in how best to recruit and keep talent in the emerging landscape of college wrestling. He’s doing them a favor, not the reverse.
  9. The comment about 'brand' is clearly a reference to the Brands bros (see Poster below for iconic reference). Another indicator: BB also mentioned that the program produces 'good' wrestlers. It's clearly a reference to Iowa, who is adept at producing good wrestlers, as opposed to PSU, who produces 'phenomenal' or 'generational' wrestlers. The answer is right there--you just have to read between the lines.
  10. In other words, Kasak was stalling at the end to avoid the dangerous position created by Teemer. Interesting take.
  11. This actually sounds like Greek wisdom.
  12. Mcilravy, Lincoln.
  13. Lincoln Mcilravy if the 90s count.
  14. Real question: do Flo rankings have a discernible or tangible influence over actual seedings? If not, fine; then they're content for the fans and a topic for debate on message boards. I agree with the OP though: I can't quite get my head around Block at 18. Even 125 for the Hawks is showing some glimmers of hope--141 not so much.
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