was Obama wrong for doing this? Was Biden wrong for saying his famous “you ain’t black” if they don’t vote for him comment?
To keep TikTok up and running in the U.S., ByteDance must sell its stake in TikTok, and it has up to a year to do so, according to the legislation, which was signed into law on Wednesday by President Biden……..
Old article shots across the bow?
Don’t Google the Chelsea handler version…. I didn’t. Twice.
51. Only reason I’m posting. Google’s search engine wouldn’t complete my search. Twas removed. I wonder why ? Do they censor things that are negative to the left. You be the judge.
Kansas college professor. Line men up who don’t vote for Kamala and shoot them…..
”we can line all those guys up and shoot them…. “ <—- those are quotes
funny I didn’t find on YouTube.
It isn’t surprising. Wonder if that’s why the left wants to shut down the tik tok. To much unedited news out there.
side note. The lefties that say they can’t click TikTok links are full of it. It launches and plays directly in the browser you don’t need an app or an account….. they just don’t want to watch.
City is broke. Peoples property taxes going up 50% in some instances. Over 300 million spent on illegal aliens. And he goes and spends 80k on renovating his wife’s office with city $$$& then goes off on the press.
didn’t find vid on YouTube That’s probably not some form of censorship…. Nah prolly not
his body language is awful in the vid…. Like a deer in head lights