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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. I think this case has already been tried on rescue me.
  2. I read somewhere Jordan Burroughs is going 74 kg
  3. Sounds like psu shouldn’t be so dependent in the transfer portal.
  4. Not unreasonable mac getting a major. Osu went into ncaa the 10 or 11 seed I think. Mac majored the 8 seed in the quarters. At least I think it was the quarters.
  5. The brothers? Not far enough. All family should be banned from carver. Take their names out of the program. Send them to jail maybe. Stop showing brands father in all documentaries or that farmer that was helpful to them when they were young. I think gable may be implicated next as he coached the brands brothers. Take his statue down while we’re at it as stalling isn’t called anymore anyhow.
  6. You can literally cheat. Steroids. Lie about it and not miss as much. on the other hand. Folks like to bring up this behavior (gambling) may cause you do do bad things down the road if you get stuck. So a situation where literal cheating is a lesser slap on the wrist so you can potentially stop potential cheating down the road is a more severe penalty. Does not seem to be fair. Yes It is a rule. I’ll bet they knew that as well. There should be a penalty. But it shouldn’t be this severe.
  7. There are two bronze medalists. And y’all looking for normalcy
  8. 867 5309 occurs at position 9,202,591 in the first 10 million digits of pi.
  9. As opposed to lying about something like……….. steroids? Don’t you usually get sentencing consideration criminally for pleading guilty?
  10. Now this looks like a crowd. (An actual good one) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8joWRt8/
  11. NCAAs is hugely attended. Carver psu Ohio state dials are hugely attended. Illinois state tournament is highly attended. Ikwf state is highly attended. world championship attendance? Fargo? Final x ? Wtt? Us open? I don’t think that argument holds water when there seems to be more evidence fans like folkstyle. The argument that we are not as prepared for free has been debunked with the performance over the last 10+ years or so as well. I bet distinct click analytics on a site like flo for various competitions it sponsors would be interesting here. For the record. I liked competitions in freestyle. What I don’t like is the free world trying to turn folkstyle into freestyle.
  12. I don’t hate freestyle. For the record. I hate turning a much more popular folkstyle product domestically into one that is inherently less popular. Bending the rules in folkstyle into something more freestyle over time (imo) will make the sport less popular. We say things like We should change ncaa to free or more like free. …… to make sure we’re more prepared / better on the world stage. We’re enjoying the best / most competitive us teams maybe ever and over a 5/10 year period if not longer. to grow the sport? Into what? An barely attended world championships. For what? Find pics from Fargo. Wtt. And even final x….. are highlights from this on ESPN? Are NCAAs on ESPN? Does ESPN even mention this in their daily highlights?
  13. How is attendance at the world finals?
  14. To lazy to look. But there were comments earlier that in college dake was always super boring/defensive? His ncaa tournaments: 4-1, fall, 11-0, 3-2 tb, 7-3, 9-0, 8-0, 3-0, 4-0, 8-1, fall, pinfall, pinfalls, 4-0, 4-1, 3-0, 11-0, 13-0, 2-0, 5-4. 4 falls. 5 majors. Out of 17 matches. At least 10 shutouts. That’s crazy. 9 points scored against …. Although the score in the falls I don’t know. Pretty amazing.
  15. Ok. I do see on Wikipedia he took one in 19-'20 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vito_Arujau#:~:text=All-American honors.-,2019-21,all winter sports that season.
  16. I thought I saw on twitter that Vito was taking an oly redshirt? Did I imagine this in my head ?
  17. Imagine. It’s thanksgiving. Bb made a meal for the family…. one of the kids says the turkey is dry. Or one of the cousins says the gravy is salty. Or a relative married a republican.
  18. A jury of ban’s closest family would convict him based on his personality alone. Can you imagine spending a week in a Vrbo with him?
  19. When I spill the beans. I always spill the beans from my confidential informants immediately. So then can I go to some message board to spill the beans like 8 mins later…. That way my sources trust me more and give me more info later. Naming the source is also good in this process. anyone hear about Aj Ferrari or gable going to Iowa ?
  20. Now this? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/northwestern-cheerleader-sexual-harassment-hazing-scandal/
  21. How does one get a one year ped suspension….. then subsequently wrestle in the ncaa tournament and aa in 2023 4th, 2022 2nd, 2021 2nd, 2020 olympic redshirt, 2019 2nd, 2018 regular redshirt So that’s two shirts and 4xAA. How does one swing that on a full year ped suspension. https://okstate.com/sports/wrestling/roster/daton-fix/10456
  22. What if it’s for steroids?
  23. Also Jeff Lee posted that his source is literally the minnow
  24. Jeff Lee seems to post a lot of wild anti Iowa hate on minnows page. And brag when peeps comment on here about them.
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