That's why I'm asking for a calculator thing lol. I know a 3rd place is 9 points by itself with 6 placers.
pin is 2 pts etc
im asking if there's an excel sheet or program to calculate the team points a kid scored getting 4th with 2 pins and one dec etc
Apologies if this should've been posted on hs forum. But I'd like to use it for my ncaa predictions too. Does anyone know of any spreadsheets that can calculate tournament points?
like say what the kid who got 4th placed, and what the kid who got first
doing it by hand is annoying
thank you!
Could those 3 or4 schools steal the mid tier teams kids by offering them $20,000 to transfer?.. on the floor at NCAAs.
Did mid tier programs that developed that walk on into an AA.. have to spend their time stressing about someone swooping in and "now" wanting that kid? So instead of being able to celebrate program milestones and build on them.. they now just have to worry about getting outbid..
Again, acting like the gap hasn't gotten bigger is lying or being deliberately obtuse
On top of all what everyone's said.. the way it's increasingly becoming so top heavy (for all the reasons). Makes it more boring..
when the same 3-4 schools just buy their titles. It makes the things that people love about wrestling, especially people/teams improving, showing what hard work can accomplish.. seem irrelevant.
There are "valid" criticisms.. some.. but.. timing and phrasing is wrong.
Several things can true at once.
The wrestling world is so tiny and overly interconnected to the point making evaluations that aren't going out of their way to be nice get people up in arms throwing tizzy fits..
And it can also be true that
1. We underperformed and our match tactics need work. And we need to be more willing to evaluate the wrestling we are seeing, not getting mad at a match opinion because a wrestler was nice to someone at a camp.
2. Cael isn't perfect (leaving aside the poaching the last few years) and is a great coach..
3. A "bad" Olympics is 3/4 medaling.. so far.. which is sooo much better than the mid 2000s...
all can be true at once
More importantly, these Olympics have had a weird vibe
Unfortunately, this is probably going to set a precedent. Enabling other nonsense and protecting of people who shouldn't be.
I wonder how long it'll go on or if it'll actually get exposed
Shrug, it is what it is. Any attempt to even state most of this, or other issues, out loud at hs or college level.. mostly gets shouted down or people say that the "only" reason people have problems with it is because "their team isn't winning".