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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. MPhillips


    It's not you it's me...
  2. Sasso with a fall at 149. Paddy loses 5-3.
  3. Fan...
  4. 2019?
  5. Nope. Jesse MF Mendez may have been though...
  6. I wouldn't have argued if it had been called...
  7. He was going right at him. I'm glad to see him back. Hate to see D'Emilio injured.
  8. Brady MF Koontz again...
  9. Throwin' the dog a bone?
  10. Brady MF Koontz
  11. As he should.
  12. I'm in CBUS. I understand. I was here when it was just plain ol' Ohio State University.
  13. @nhs67You use, '"the" just to torment me...
  14. No Karchla, Orndorff, Hepner or Feldman
  15. Here they come...
  16. PDIII eats Ferrari's lunch.
  17. These are for the fans. Enjoy!
  18. He was hyped quite a bit and deservingly, but I think the weight hurt him. I believe he'll be much better this season.
  19. In his defense he was just trying to pad his reaction numbers by throwing out all the inane comments that he could...
  20. Dummies...
  21. I've been inner city for 25+yrs. Care about them and make an environment they want to be in. Siblings help too. It'll take a bit of time, but if you have the time you won't regret taking it. All the best. Keep us tuned in.
  22. Agreed. Either Bouzakis or Mendez would be okay with me. Maybe it's Gonzales... Always enjoy watching Andonian. Curious to see what Paddy does this weekend. No one is picking Smith over Lewis(nor am I). Smith is a good/solid wrestler. Been a good Buckeye. I think Romero beats Bolen by 4 or more.
  23. I agree. I thought the same thing. Maybe Bouzakis gets Latona?
  24. FWIW, FLO has him listed in Open Division posted about an hour ago...
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