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Everything posted by d_jizzle_05

  1. Iowa wrestlers a solid 3-2 vs. freshmen that round. Well done!
  2. Good times for Iowa fans with all these consy matches to watch. Jealous.
  3. I'll take Mega and his seemingly bottomless gas tank. Didn't these guys go to the same high school?
  4. It would be a nice piece of nostalgia to read JTTS's Mocco poems again. (Or were they ditties?) Anyway, JTTS is/was a The Mat.com legend from as far back as 1999 and has never been equaled.
  5. Aren't you inviting more media scrutiny as a parent when you immediately request an interview like Spencer's dad just did? In the future is dad going to call Spencer's boss when he's not feeling well and can't make it to work? Is mom going to make sure he's wearing matching socks to his interview? Maybe it's time to cut the cord as Spencer is now a 24-year-old college graduate.
  6. Arena bracket shows Lee in the finals now...
  7. Spencer came across as openly defiant and dismissive of Brands at the end. I think he'd have been better off at State College.
  8. I honestly felt for her when the tears started but there's an underlying anger issue going on. On another note, those of us who were already commissioned or non-commissioned officers at Spencer's age with multiple deployments under our belt find the idea of our mother's raging over a sporting event a little ridiculous. Spencer is not "a kid".
  9. Mom committing war crimes on her glasses is the last image we'll have of the Spencer Lee Era. I can't think of a better metaphor for the ethos & culture of the Brands brother's tenure at Iowa...perfectly preserved in gif Valhalla...for eternity...
  10. I just went back and watched it again. Wonderful. Emmy worthy...
  11. Yup, she's hitting up LensCrafters first thing tomorrow morning.
  12. We'll get 'em tomorrow. I like Spencer to finish at least 4th.
  13. Brands has the boys peaking at the right moment. Good session.
  14. Ah, that's good... Mom wouldn't want to miss seeing Spencer in the consolation bracket. Good luck going for 3rd, Spencer!
  15. Does Lee go again tonight or does mom have time tomorrow morning to hit up LensCrafters?
  16. Iowa within 29 points of the lead now. Progress.
  17. Mom twisting her glasses to oblivion is priceless...
  18. How many times was Lee thrown to his back this year? Five? Six?
  19. I like Glory's chances tomorrow.
  20. Is Ricky Bonomo a 3 for 3 candidate? Pretty impressive he accomplished it at tiny Bloomsburg University.
  21. I'm impressed by Iowa's 2 takedowns so far tonight.
  22. A cynical attempt to keep Spencer from defecting to NLWC down the road. Come back to PA, Spencer. You know you want to....
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