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El Luchador

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Everything posted by El Luchador

  1. Nobody wants to team up with me to plane the future of humanity? Why should Klaus and Bill have all the fun? Find your inter narcissist and be arrogant enough to think you know what's best for everyone. We all know this job should be performed by wrestlers.
  2. This is Bidens only plan for fighting inflation.
  3. We'll get together and plan the course of all humanity and basically structure society as we see fit. Our agenda: Population control Control all food production Control the weather Distribution of resources left after our group enjoys total gluttony. Who's in?
  4. Angle vs Steveson.
  5. Lee Kemp vs Yanni D
  6. Ben Askren vs Rico Chiapparelli
  7. For some reason pushups have been forgotten in our local wrestling community. Everybody looks at me like I'm a psychopath when I run youth practices for doing them in warm-ups.
  8. I'm no balloon expert but this doesn't make sense. China isn't our friend. We are literally funding our enemies.
  9. You most certainly can debate it. Forcing price controls onto Doctors doesn't result in quality care. The biggest reason medical prices are out of control is massive government regulation. Forcing hospitals to give care to people who have no intention of paying for it and Forcing everyone else to foot the bill is ridiculous. Health care is in terrible shape because of the government. The more they do to control it the worse it gets.
  10. Husband Paul bought 20,000 shares of stock in a computer chip company, then Nan proposed subsidies for that company. More good luck.
  11. If they are incarcerated they can't harm the public.
  12. What is 1 thing the government does well, better than any private example. Name 1 agency not politically motivated.
  13. Looks absolutely awful down there. I have a kid in Houston area. Looks like they're escaping the weather for now.
  14. I couldn't agree more about Trump. Trump with a Reagan wit would be the dream. Trump just doesn't know when to STFU.
  15. Smith is a tough opponent for a young wrestler. He is a brawler and has a motor, but he is way too predictable and 1 dimensional. He is a throwers dream opponent. He will come in with excessive, predictable forward pressure.
  16. I've been real critical of our front head offense and defense lately. This position is under utilized by Americans.
  17. Aren't you just the master of wit.
  18. You can beg all you want. Australia is a great example of how gun control doesn't work. You will never stop crime only male it easier or harder. When you disarm citizens you make it easier.
  19. So your saying I was right.
  20. Back to the rhetoric and ad hominem attacks?
  21. You have zero experience with The Epoch times. They are hands down the best example of proper journalism in America today. Your just parroting the narrative.
  22. The Leftists love that word. Fascism is massive authoritarianism, we all know who push government authority and it isn't the so called right. Complaining about something while adopting all their principles and strategies is a bit disingenuous.
  23. I should have read all the comments before I started commenting. I started at the beginning, but this guy just makes to much work. He's kinda like CNN, you know you're going to be fed a full serving of BS so don't even both tuning in.
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