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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Henson outscrambles Sasso! wow
  2. Sasso vs Henson - we have overtime. Sasso looks gassed
  3. they have the 125 lb names on the score board, but its actually Sasso vs Henson. Sammy with the takedown toward the end of the first - classic
  4. okay we're on the mats. it's very dark though. they should turn on a light or two
  5. I was just about to ask the same question
  6. Yeah I thought the move up in weight would help him shake things off. Similar to Latona this year, for whom I had the same thoughts last year.
  7. low level businesses like Flo not useful for comparison in this case (FYI)
  8. are you using flo as an example of something sensible to compare to? data is powerful, but you have to know how to use it.
  9. Heilman really opening up now - will earn at least a major here
  10. Dean Peterson is dynamic. This is their backup!
  11. Not official but that is the word
  12. Kicking off momentarily. Notable matchups: 125: Shawver vs Fischer 157: Clark vs Elfvin 174: Turley vs Worthing 184: Soldano vs Feldkamp
  13. Bouzakis vs Crook would be a hell of a match. I was actually surprised to see Bouzakis up at 141.
  14. wait a second - this isn't the real tbarr? is that was Hammerlock was saying "its me" in relation to?
  15. Awesome. I'm ready to tune into this one. Any word on which weight they are starting?
  16. I don't doubt it may seem to make sense for other aspects of the business. But for the consumers themselves, it's an awkward way to access the content. You could say, well the consumers should be resilient and figure it out, and that's fine and fair. But a business approach that considers the consumer, especially for anyone who would claim to care about growing wrestling, is one that is going to win in the long run. It strikes me a bit of pennywise and pound-foolish to optimize one's own economics at the expense of being unreasonable to consumers (who would have awarded you with greater scale and increased economics over time).
  17. Yeah not sure what's up with sending only half the starters, but as a silver lining, I'm excited to see Figueroa in action
  18. I'm not sure if maybe some of the events later in the season may be included in the actual subscription. Hopefully so. This is another case of wrestling not getting out of its own way. Floreani behind the business model for Flo and Rokfin - no surprise lol. That mentality is bad for growing a sport.
  19. Unless he was already a huge dude, I can't imagine someone making such a jump in weight. For Wittlake going from 165 to 184, they say his offseason weight this year was nearly 200. So seems like he was doing ridiculous cuts to make 165.
  20. And yes, I did just pay $15 for Wranglemania, out of Liberty High School (a place I've wrestled) even after finding out that ASU is sending a half squad.
  21. I'm not as big of a consumer of the related content - I am more of someone that just wants to watch the live wrestling matches. So I subscribe to Rokfin for $9.99 a month, but now each event has been formed into a tournament of sorts in which you have to pay another ten or fifteen bucks to watch. Seems like a bad place to put live wrestling, because of the need to subscribe to the platform in the first place to even have access to the PPV. I dont' know of any alternative though, so I'm basically just bitching.
  22. Huh - I thought Penn State is against Lock Haven tonight. And against Lehigh on December 4th. But I'll take Beard.
  23. It's on Big Ten Plus
  24. Jarret Jacques: "Zhack" or "Jay-kyoos"
  25. Shawver looks to be the guy for now but could be fun to see Figueroa vs Dean Peterson this weekend
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